Page 64 of Jaylen
"You made me tea. Aiming for the husband of the year award?"
He shot her a wry look as he took the tray from her and placed it onto the table. They had arrived at the loft and headed straight upstairs where he had ensured she undressed and put on her nightgown. He had then gone back downstairs to make her some tea.
"Don't make me regret it." He had taken off his jacket and was now removing his shirt. "How is your stomach and why was it queasy?"
"I ate lobster tails and caviar." She wrinkled her nose. "Too rich for my system."
He eyed her for a minute as he sat on the sofa to take off his shoes.
"It might be something else."
"Like what?"
His eyebrows lifted.
"Oh. You think—" her hands flew to her stomach.
"Could it be?"
"I am irregular."
"Which means you don't know."
"Not for certain."
He finished taking off his clothes and joined her on the bed. "We have not discussed that."
"Having children."
"Yes." His eyes searched her face. "What do you think?"
"Well, if that is what's going on here, the horse has already left the paddock or the stable," she said with a shrug.
"Anika, I want to know what you think."
Her eyes slid away for a second. "My parents were lousy. They were not even parents. I might not be a good mother."
"You are not them," he pointed out, turning his head to look at her.
She shrugged. "Maybe not. What about you?"
"I wanted to wait—to spend some more time, just us. I am selfish, and I did not want to share with you, not for another few years."
"And this might just be the lobster or the caviar."
"You don't think so and neither do I."
"We have not been using anything and the last thing on my mind was asking you about protection."
"How careless of us." Her hands raced over his bare chest.
"Single Minded, more like." He captured her hands as they headed downwards. "We are going to give it a rest for tonight."
"Why?" She tugged at her hands, but he held fast. "Because I might be pregnant?"
"Because you were not feeling well."