Page 54 of Jaylen
"How about you darling? Will you be able to sleep?"
"I have moved out of the master and am trying to sleep in the original bedroom. Damn you for making me miss having you wrapped around me."
"It's the same for me."
"Are we really doing this?"
"It appears so."
She studied him for a minute, feeling the yearning to touch. For one ridiculous moment, she almost put her hand on the screen. Fortunately, she came to her senses before she did that. "Call your dad."
"He wants to hear from you."
"I don't want to talk to him."
"Have you called since you left?"
"Why would I do that?"
She had sworn to herself that she was not going to get involved, but she had seen the look on the man's face and the regret there. "Do it for me."
"Please. If we are doing this marriage thing, we have to listen to each other."
He gave her a narrowed look. "That's not how it works."
"How would you know? Have you been married before?"
"Stay out of it."
"I said I would, but now that I am stuck, I feel obligated to intervene. He wants to hear from you."
"You are becoming a pain in the ass and using your position to soften me up."
"My position as your wife or your lover?"
"Are you mad at me? Bear in mind that you are thousands of miles away and I do think that it says in the Bible or some marriage book that we should not go to bed angry at each other."
"Is that so?" His voice was soft and menacing.
"I believe it is written somewhere. If we are going to do this, we should follow the damn rules."
"You are being very convenient." He blew out a breath. "Okay, I will call."
"See how well we are working?" She gave him a guileless smile.
"Remind me to strangle you when I get there."
"Is that a sexual thing?"
He laughed again and she felt an answering smile tugging at her lips. He made her happy and light-headed. She was always so sensible and sober, but he made her feel as giddy as a teenager. She had no idea if that was good or bad.
"It is."