Page 5 of Jaylen
“Just laying her and trying to get the energy to go and take a much-needed shower. I just got in. Where are you?”
“Still at the firm. We are working this murder trial and it is beating our collective asses.
All packed?”
“Yep. We are leaving first thing in the morning.”
“Have fun.”
“It will be a working trip.” She propped the pillows behind her head and closed her eyes.
“Which does not mean you cannot get some fun out of it. Try and hook up with one of those smoldering Italian types and have sex.”
“You are forgetting that I am in a relationship.”
“Are you now?” he asked her dryly. “Promise me that you will not think of that—that piece of work while you are away. You deserve a break.”
“I promise that I will have fun. Satisfied?”
“For now, yes. Get some sleep and a safe flight.”
Chapter 2
Anika looked around the sumptuous room in appreciation. The rose and gold decor were appealing to the senses. She had been given a complete suite of her own, with a sitting room which she had immediately taken advantage of by plopping down into the soft and comfortable sofa and kicking off her shoes.
The flight had been long and a little uncomfortable. It had not only been her and James, but his son Jaylen had been on the flight as well. She had avoided speaking to him entirely. Not that he had even noticed her. He had been caught up in his own little world, broodingly staring out the window or browsing on his laptop.
The flight attendant had been embarrassed by her eagerness to serve him and Anika had felt slightly ill just looking at the entire scenario. But she supposed a man like him was used to women rushing to please him. She had buried herself in the article she was working on for the festival.
It was a global affair and reporters from around the world would be there to document what went on, but as the head of the PR, she had to be able to come up with her own spin on the artists they were representing.
She had told Corey that it was a great opportunity and she meant it. No, she was here, in Italy, in this sumptuous hotel that was part of the chain owned by Monteith's Music Industry and she was going to relax and enjoy herself.
Her eyes snapped open and a frown touched her brow as she thought back on the tension that had been thick in the air. They had been met at the hangar by a stretch limousine and even during the short ride to the hotel, the silence between father and son had been palpable.
James had been brisk and had wanted to know the salient points she had jotted down and she had launched into a discussion that had taken them the entire journey.
"The festival begins tomorrow at noon," he had told her as soon as they entered the elegant foyer of the hotel. "I suggest you use the time to get some rest and recover from both the jet lag and the different timezone. We are going to be busy from then on."
Rising, she went to the minibar to select a bottle of wine. There was a tray of cheeses and fruits on one of the side tables, along with some canapes and tiny sandwiches. She had eaten on the plane, and even though the ride had been uneventful, her stomach was still revolting from the different time zones.
Pouring the rich burgundy liquid into the glass, she piled some of the cheeses and grapes onto a plate and took it with her to sit on the sofa.
She had shot off a text to Tyrone letting him know she had landed safe, but there was still no response. No doubt, he was still sulking, she thought with a sigh. Reaching for the phone, she rapidly calculated the time difference in her head and wondered if Corey was in court.
"Hey." She smiled in delight when he answered and nibbled on some cheese. "I was hoping I would not catch you at a bad time."
"I am back at the firm, doing research. You landed."
"Yes. An hour ago, and I am in this kick-ass rose and gold suite with all the trimmings. I was shown into my room by a very attractive Italian man with a mag accent."
"Did you invite him in?"
"Oh yes. He is waiting for me in bed as we speak."
"Yeah right," he snorted. "How are you?"
"Jet-lagged and eating some fancy cheese. Oh, and drinking some Italian vintage wine. I am going to relax, take a long and leisurely bath in that big and fancy tub, and try to get some sleep. My system is shot to hell, but I will try and adjust."