Page 33 of Jaylen
“You squealed.”
“What?” She was busy taking the pie out carefully.
“I never pegged you as the type to squeal.”
“I squeal when I am excited. Sue me.”
Turning toward the cupboard, he took out dessert plates and stood there longer than necessary to hide his emotions. The few days spent with her were the best he had had in a very long time and it was doing something strange to his emotions.
She was candid, fierce, and beautiful and not bowled over by who he was. And she was not afraid to speak her mind. He was not accustomed to such outright honesty.
“Mugs. The water is ready. Now I just need to get some milk and a little sugar.”
He handed her the cup.
“What’s next?”
“Grab a dessert knife and start slicing.” She looked over at him. “I have to warn you that I am a pig when it comes to lemon meringue. I just might eat the entire pie.”
“Save me a piece.”
“I will try very hard to.”
Carrying the pie and plates over to the table, he stood there and waited until she brought the two cups over and handed him one. “Tell me what you think?”
“It's hot.” He blew on it.
“Of course it’s hot. Don’t be such a baby.”
“Insults will get you nowhere.”
“I am just stating a fact. Well?”
“Will you give me a minute?”
“I want to know what you think?”
Shaking his head, he took a tentative sip and then another. “It’s not bad.”
“Not bad?” The frown on her forehead made him want to haul her in his arms and kiss her until she couldn’t think. “Not bad?”
“That’s what I said. Don’t tell me you have gone deaf.”
"That's it?"
"Are you looking for some kind of award?" He had to suppress the laughter at the daggers in her beautiful eyes. They were more golden brown than dark brown; he realized in amazement. He was noticing little things about her.
The slight dent in her small chin, the adorably turned-up tip of her nose, the way she waved her slender hands when she was making a point, and the fact that she has long and elegant fingers.
"I was looking for you to tell me that it is the best hot cocoa you have ever tasted. But if you want to be that way—"
"It's the best hot cocoa I have ever tasted." His deep voice was solemn and had her looking at him suspiciously.
"Why don't I believe you?"
He grinned at her. "I just can't please you, can I?" he took another sip of the now-cooling beverage. "It is very good. Really."
"Thanks." She cradled the cup between her hands and studied his face.