Page 31 of Jaylen
He fiddled with his fork, before lifting his head to stare at her. “I would love to tell you that it is something you get used to, but I would be lying," he told her quietly. “But it’s the price you pay when you make a conscious decision to do what I do, then you also have to deal with the invasion of your privacy.”
“And it does not bother you?”
“It does. There are times I would just like to go for a drive. To hang out at a certain place and there are times when I forget who I am and what I represent. I hate the fact that even if I smile at a woman, it is reported that we are involved.”
“I don’t read the trashy tabloids myself, but it is rumored that you were involved with Mary Jane Talbot. The girl with all those piercings and pink and purple hair.”
He grinned at her. “She has piercings even in places that are hidden by articles of clothing.”
“Really?” Propping her chin on her hand, she gave him her attention. “Such as?”
He shook his head. “I thought you were not into celebrity gossip.”
“This is not gossip if it’s true.”
His thick eyebrows lifted. “Is that so?”
“If not, it should be. Anyway, it’s true. You did sleep with her.”
Picking up his glass, he leaned back and felt himself relaxing. The more time he spent with her, the more he realized that he was getting fascinated. And with her, he did not have to pretend to enjoy himself. “We attended a premiere of her movie together and that was it. She is a friend.”
“Just a friend?” She gave him a skeptical look.
“Just a friend, oh suspicious one.”
“If you say so. I don’t hate you anymore.”
He felt his heart picking up speed. “Is that so? Why did you hate me in the first place?”
“Are you kidding me? Whenever you come to the office, you would look right through me.”
“You did the same," he pointed out.
“I was predisposed to dislike you.”
“It means—"
“I know what it means. I am not a moron.”
Her dark brown eyes flashed. “Did I say you were?” She snapped back. They sat there glaring at each other before she pushed back her chair and rose.
“I am going for a damn walk. And please don’t follow me.”
He watched her leave the room and blew out a breath. And they were getting along so well. Shoving back his chair, he went to get his coat. He had heard the doors slam and realized she had left the building. Grabbing his jacket, he went to find her.
It had gotten dark even though it was only a little after seven. His driver had left, on his instruction. He had a vehicle parked in the underground garage. He supposed he was going to have to get someone to bring her vehicle here.
He found her by the pond, her shoulders hunched to ward away the cold. There was a stiff breeze blowing and she was not wearing a hat.
“You are going to freeze to death.”
“I told you not to follow me.”
“It so happens I do not take orders from you.”