Page 20 of Jaylen
“People talk and there are two flight attendants, a pilot, and a co-pilot.”
“I really want to be alone.”
“Tough. You can always ignore me.” Pressing the button, he inclined the seat and closed his eyes.
As if that was even remotely possible, she thought nastily. He was bigger than life and even if she closed her eyes, she could still smell his signature cologne. He was wearing a black silk t-shirt over faded denims and had teamed it with a dark blue sports jacket.
His tangle of blonde hair was loose around his beautiful face.
She was acutely aware of him and would have to be deaf, blind, and dead not to be.
Shifting slightly in the spacious seat, she tried to concentrate on the files she had in front of her. She had called to let Corey know they were headed back, just before they left the hotel.
“And where will you be staying?”
“With him.”
“I see. So, you will be giving up your apartment.”
“For now.”
“Do you know what you are doing?”
He had sighed then. “I will see you when you get here.”
“You are interrupting my slumber.” He opened one eye to look at her.
“I am not doing anything.”
“Your thinking is way too loud and you are restless. How about some champagne?”
“It’s six in the morning," she pointed out.
“We are on Italy time," he pointed back, a lazy smile tugging at his sensuous lips. “It’s night in the U.S. of A.” He nodded to the flight attendant hovering as if waiting for him to beckon to her. “A bottle of bubbly and some snacks, please.”
“Of course.” The woman gave him a warm intimate smile. “Anything else?”
“That’s it for now.”
Anika waited until she had wandered off. “Did you sleep with her?”
He turned his head to stare after the girl before looking at her. “No. Why?”
“She looks like she wants you to invite her into the cabin. Don’t let me stop you," she told him icily.
“Why darling," he purred, “is that jealousy I hear?”
“In order for one to feel jealous, one first has to care.”
He nodded at that. “I suppose you are right. And you obviously hate me.”
“I don't like you.”
“What can I do to change that?”
The question threw her and for a minute she had no idea what to say.