Page 89 of Never Fall for the Fake Boyfriend
Still, he comes to my side, making me feel safe and loved without a single word and glaring openly at Mom, who’s ready to play the victim because the last thing she wants is an audience that’s on my side. “Cole! I’m glad you’re here. Janey’s refusing to apologize to Paisley—”
“Why wouldsheapologize? Janey should be pressing charges against Paisley for assault.”
“Wha—” Mom utters. But then she shakes her head and tries to downplay the bouquet beatdown like it was a simple misunderstanding. “It was nothing. Just an emotional day... for everyone.” It’s the smallest allowance on her part, a teeny-tiny admission thatmaybePaisley was a tad bit responsible for the fight. And she didn’t say it because she thinks it’s true or to appease me, but to placate Cole.
“She left a mark on Janey’s face,” Cole informs her icily.
They stare each other down for a long moment, and I watch, on the outside but seeing clearly from this vantage point for the first time.
“Mom,” I say, getting her attention. “I’m done. You need to leave now.”
I don’t mean with this conversation. I mean with... her. With my family.
There’s so much bottled up inside me, underneath the silver linings and sunshine, where I hid the dark thoughts about my mom. About my family. But bringing them out for her won’t do either of us any good. I’m not going to give her ammunition she’ll use against me, spreading gossip around to the family about me, and I’m not going to deal with that pain in front of her. She hasn’t earned my trust that way. In fact, she’s proven herself untrustworthy with my heart over and over.
And I’m done.
Like a switch.
“Janey—” she says, the condescension obvious in only the two syllables.
I shake my head and look at Cole. It’s all the signal he needs.
“You heard her. Get out. Now.” His tone brooks no argument, and he takes the coffee cup from in front of Mom, dropping it into the sink with a clatter.
Mom frowns. I think this is the first time she’s actually hearing me, and it’s because Cole is repeating what I’ve been saying all along. “Well, I never—”
“Go, Mom.” My voice is steady and hard. My hands are shaking and ice cold.
She whirls, heading for the door. “I need to get home, anyway. Jessica has a hair appointment today.” She’s trying to make it sound like leaving is her choice, but we all know the truth.
Cole beats her there and opens the door for her, not gentlemanly like he does for me, but rather so he can glare at her as she walks past. I get the feeling he could spout off some details Mom would rather keep private, kinda like he did with Samantha’s dad, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t have to fight this battle for me. I’ve done it on my own this time.
And it feels good.
Still, when Cole closes the door behind Mom and immediately rushes back to me, I fall into his embrace. He holds me, running a soothing hand up and down my back as I let all of the emotions I’ve held back for years escape. The tears are bitter and hot as they track down my cheeks. But as many bad memories as there are, I also remember the few good times too. They were like beacons of hope during the darkest times. But those exceptions don’t change the truth.
“You okay?” Cole asks after a while when my sobs subside. He moved us to the couch some time ago, and I’m sitting sideways in his lap with my head on his shoulder.
I sniffle and nod. “I’m sad, but also, I feel... free?”
It’s the closest I can come to describing the chaos in my mind and the tornado in my heart.
He’s quiet, thinking that over, and then finally says, “I can’t imagine how hard it was to stand up to her, but you did it. I’m so proud of you.”
I know he loves me, but his being proud of me feels good in a different way.
“I’m proud of me too,” I whisper.
And that feels best of all.
“You swearyou’re not kidnapping us and taking us to a mass burial plot in the woods so you can be the sole heir of Dad’s company?” Kyle questions Cole with one brow lifted high and one brow dropped low. He sounds like he might be serious, but I can see the laughter in his eyes.
“Is that an actual concern?” Gabriella laughs, but she looks at me in alarm.