Page 84 of Roughneck
“Whoa, chill out.” She waved one hand at him.
“Both hands on the wheel,” he snapped.
Oh he did not just—
“I know how to drive, thank you very much.” Picking. He was always picking at something. Yes, he might be further along the path in life than her but that didn’t mean she was stupid. “And I know how to take care of myself. I saw the bull without any of your help. You yelling and calling all that attention probably just made him start running faster.”
“Me. Yelling?” He enunciated each word and then angled his whole body toward her. “If I hadn’t been yelling, you would have kept your nose up that cow’s ass until the bull was trampling you. If I hadn’t been there you’d be a goddamned—”
He took a deep breath but Isobel was already incensed.
“What?” She looked over at him furiously. “I’d be a what?”
“Pull over,” Hunter snapped.
“What?” Isobel looked back at the road, then checked her mirrors. It was empty blacktop on all sides.
“I said pull over.”
“Goddammit for once can you just do what I ask?”
“Fine!” Isobel yelled, slowly applying the break and bringing the truck to a stop on the side of the road. She jammed it into park and then glared at Hunter while crossing her arms over her chest. “Why are we stopped?” she demanded.
“Because it’s not safe to argue while you’re driving.”
“Ok,” she threw up her hands. “Now I’m so incompetent I can’t even drive your precious truck right?”
“Stop putting words in my mouth. That’s not what I—”
“You know what?” She swiveled back around to face front. “You don’t want me distracted while I drive? Then how about we just don’t talk at all?”
She reached for the gear shift to put the car back into first but Hunter grabbed her hand.
“Goddammit, woman.”
She swung her head toward him, glaring daggers. So help her God, if he said one more thing about her driving or—
And then Hunter was kissing her.
He yanked her roughly into his arms and his mouth demanded response.
And oh God, she couldn’t help but give it to him.
“You don’t know how fucking terrified I was,” he whispered frantically before kissing her again. Then he pushed her back against the car door, his elbow honking the truck’s horn, but he apparently didn’t care because he didn’t stop.
He was wrong. She thought of the blood that had covered her arms when he’d collapsed in front of her. She did have some idea just how scared he’d been.
Thinking of that moment and then having him, hot and alive and demanding in her arms— Suddenly her need to have him was all consuming. Her core throbbed with needing it. Needing him. Needing to be filled.
Her hands scrabbled down to his belt. A second later, she was pulling his cock out. He was hot and hard in her hand. She squeezed him and he jerked in her fingers.
Oh God, that giant cock of his. She wanted to lick it and nip it and tease it, but even more, she wanted it inside her.
“Christ,” he swore, his hands just as frantic to pull down her jeans and underwear. She lifted her butt so he could yank them down her thighs and off her feet.
As soon as she was free, Hunter pushed her legs open wide and positioned his cock at her pussy. He didn’t even hesitate a second before shoving in. There were no sweet words. No preparation. He just speared her against the car seat.