Page 76 of Roughneck
“Fuck. Gonna die. You’re gonna kill me,” he groaned, pushing his cock back between her lips already slick with his cum. He kept thrusting until long after he’d come all he was going to. She slipped her finger out of his back passage.
She got to her feet and started for the bathroom. He immediately pushed off from the wall and started following her. She turned back to look at him. “Lie down. I’ll be right back.”
But there was some look she couldn’t read in his eyes. A wariness. Or… fear. “Don’t leave.”
She went up on tip toe and kissed him. “I just need to wash up. Get in bed.”
She’d meant it to just be a quick peck, but he reached for her cheeks and he held her in place while he kissed her so deep she was gasping for breath by the time he let her go.
He closed his eyes and breathed out, his forehead to hers before finally letting go of her and stumbling toward the bed. He dropped onto his stomach before she could try to help him.
She ran to the bathroom and quickly washed up. Even so, she thought he might already be asleep by the time she got back. In her experience, guys usually went into an immediate coma about three seconds after coming.
But Hunter was awake, his intense blue eyes on her as she got into bed. He immediately pulled her to him, rolling slightly onto his side so he could wrap an arm around her from behind in a modified spooning position.
He must have just been fighting off the sex coma, though, because as soon as they were in place, she felt his entire body relax. And his voice was thick as he whispered the words that would have her awake the rest of the night:
“Love you, babe. Don’t leave me again. Please.” He snuggled into her neck, his arm cinching tighter around her waist. “I’ll do anything. Just don’t leave me again.”
And Isobel went cold from her head all the way down to her toes.
She should have realized as soon as he called her ‘gorgeous.’ For God’s sake, he’d said he loved her body. How had she not wised up, right then?
In his drugged head, the whole time he’d been having sex with her, he’d thought she was his ex-wife.
Chapter Eighteen
Fuuuuuuck. Ow. Christ. Son of a mother—
Hunter’s teeth gritted against the pain as his eyes blinked open.
“Goddamn it,” he swore, stomach tensing as he tried to breathe through the pain. His back was on fire. Stabbing, painful fire.
He tried to sit up but even the tiniest movements pulled at his back and made it worse.
“Don’t try to move.” Isobel appeared in front of him like a dark-haired angel, her hair flying around her in a cloud.
For a second he could only stare. She must have taken a shower because she was cleaned up. She had on a pair of zip up coveralls they used in the field and always carried around in the truck—probably the only clean thing she had to put on. It was oversized on her but all he could think about was the fact that it would take one swipe of the zipper and she’d be naked.
Suddenly the night before came back to him with the force of a hammer to the head. Her breathy groans. Her on her knees, mouth sucking his cock. Him pumping like a goddamned geyser down her throat after she—
“Hunter?” She held out a pill along with a cup of water. “Here, swallow this.” She was looking toward him but wouldn’t quite meet his eye. “It’ll help with the pain. And this one’s an antibiotic.” She unscrewed another cap and handed him a second pill.
Was she really just going to pretend like last night hadn’t happened?
“Don’t give me any macho bullshit,” Isobel said when he laid there unmoving. “Swallow.”
Well, how was he supposed to refuse when she went all sexy nurse on him like that? He popped the first pill, then the second, cringing in pain when he lifted up on his elbows to drink the water.
Christ, he was thirsty. The water tasted great.
But it also made him aware of another pressing need. Looked like he’d be getting up from this bed after all.
He went to twist and sit up again. He gritted his teeth but couldn’t keep the groan back as he pushed through the pain to pull his body up.