Page 191 of Roughneck
Calla grinned at both of them, grabbed their arms, and dragged them toward the door.
They could barely keep their hands off each other but Calla forced Mack to sit up front and Liam in back just to torture them. Calla drove since she hadn’t had anything to drink.
What she didn’t foresee was Mack torturing her right back. His hand inched up her leg the entire fifteen-minute ride back to the hotel, along with him whispering the dirty, dirty things he wanted to do to her and Liam.
She was so turned on by the time she pulled into a parking spot that opened up right in front of the hotel, she was about to jump one or the other of them. Or both. Yes, both sounded like a good idea.
But your stomach.
Screw it. She’d just keep her shirt on. She dragged Liam’s face down and kissed him hard as they walked through the front door, Mack’s hands on her waist from behind.
But then Liam jerked away from her. “What the fuck?”
Calla blinked, taken aback by Liam’s loud voice.
“What’s up his ass?” Mack asked.
Calla frowned and shook her head as Liam strode right up to a middle-aged man in a suit who was sitting in one of the lobby chairs.
“What the fuck are you doing here.”
“Well there ya are. Finally. I was beginning to think that blonde slag who kept callin’ saying you’d be here was lying and wasting me time.”
Liam just stared at the man, frozen.
“Well come on now.” The man glared at Liam. “Give your da a hello at least.”
His da—? Calla had barely taken Liam’s father in before a gorgeous, statuesque redhead came running over from the reception desk.
“Baby! I’ve missed you so much!” She threw her arms around Liam and planted a kiss right on his lips.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Liam was stunned frozen for a moment. And then his brain started processing again.
Brigid was kissing him. While Calla and Mack watched.
He wrenched back from Brigid to glare at her and his da. Only to find Calla skirting them and running toward the elevators while Mack looked at him murderously.
“Shite. Calla!” Liam went to chase after her but Mack stopped him with an iron grip on his elbow. Calla opened the door to the stairs and disappeared. Dammit. He had to go make it right.
“Let go of me,” Liam spoke to Mack through gritted teeth. “This isn’t what it looks like.”
Mack’s jaw worked. “It better not be. If you hurt her, I swear I’ll—”
“Yeah, yeah,” Liam muttered, jerking out of Mack’s grasp and running up the stairs after Calla. Mack was right on his heels. Jaysus, talk about déjà vu.
“Liam!” Brigid called after him right before the door to the stairs shut. “Wait. I just want to talk. Please!”
What a clusterfuck. Liam ignored Brigid and caught up to Calla right before she shut the door to her room on the second floor.
“Calla,” he breathed out, stopping her door from closing. She stepped back and allowed him to push his way in.
“That down there, it’s not what you think. She doesn’t mean anything to me anymore.”
Calla’s head came up, hazel eyes vulnerable and full of uncertainty. “But she did? Once?” Then she shook her head. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m acting like this.” She turned away from him. “It’s not like we have— We’re just—” She waved a hand. “I know we agreed it’s not a relationship or anything—”