Page 17 of His for the Taking
“I think you pissed him off more than I did. Anyone ever tell you, brother, your mouth could use a filter?”
“What? I didn’t say anything others weren’t already thinking.” He throws his hands up like he wasn’t at fault.
“Let’s get to work. This land ain’t gonna clear itself.” I head back to my truck, digging my phone out of my pocket to make sure I didn’t miss anything. Mainly from Mom and Josephine, which is why I’m shocked when I’ve got a message from Kody. A picture of her and Josephine appears on my screen. JoJo has her arms around Kody’s neck, looking like she’s squeezing all the oxygen out of her. The smile on Kody’s face says it all. It’s a smile that lights up the whole damn room, and damn, am I happy she’s giving me a chance even if I don’t deserve her.
Kody: Hanging with my friend. I hope you don’t mind. My mom was on her way over to your mom's when I called to ask for help on my photo booth this weekend and invited me along.
Me: I never thought I’d be jealous of my own daughter. Wish I were there with my two favorite girls.
I pocket my phone, grab my drink from the truck, and get to work. The faster the workday is over, the sooner I’ll get to hear Kody’s voice. Maybe we’ll get this shit done quickly enough I can talk her into having dinner at my house tonight. Fuck, I really like that plan, and once Josephine goes to bed, I could get another taste of my dark-haired temptress.
I’m in a sour mood. There’s no rhyme or reason to it except I got my hopes up and I’m the only one to blame for it. The reason being is Jameson. This time, I can’t even blame the grumpy single dad. I know his job isn’t nine to five, and neither is mine when I’m at a shoot. He never promised he’d see me today either. I just got excited at the potential of seeing him. I’m a basket case, it’s official, or I’m becoming one of those needy girls who has to see the guy they’re talking to every waking moment. No, that cannot be the case, can it? I guess it’s a good thing Shaun wasn’t home when I came in, or he’d see me having a temper tantrum and call me out on my shit. So, like the adult I’m pretending to be, I made a sandwich for dinner, took a hot shower, scrubbed my body, shaved, but ignored washing my hair. I was not in the mood to blow it dry, and with how annoyed I am with myself, my hair would have taken the brunt of my foulness.
My phone lights up on the covers beside my hip. “Hi,” I answer Jameson’s call on the first ring, trying to sound chipper. Seriously, I’m a nemesis to myself. This pity party needs to see its way out the door, or I’m going to drown myself. Not really, but it sounds good. I’m sitting in bed, in my usual position. A stack of pillows propping me up, back to the headboard, knees lifted as a makeshift table. My sketchbook propped up as I doodle on the last few remaining pages. Since I’ve been back in Lane County, this has been my downtime every time I crawl into bed. I keep my sketchpad and pencils in my bag in case there’s a moment I need to occupy myself when I’m out and about. This pad is almost full, so I’ll need to hit up the store soon for a new one.
“Hey, babe.” Jameson’s voice on the other end of the call is soothing, yet I can hear the rasp in his tone giving away that he’s tired.
“Rough day?” I ask. Shaun still isn’t home, and if Jameson is only now calling this late, it means Josephine is in bed. My brother probably stopped at a bar to have a drink or is meeting someone. I really need to get my shit together and find my own place. He swears up and down I’m not cramping his bachelor ways. I know the truth, though. I am. Shaun doesn’t bring any of his dates or one-night stand here. There’s no waking up to a strange woman in his kitchen, and while I appreciate it more than he’ll ever know, I also feel bad that he’s rearranged his whole life for his younger sister.
“Too fucking rough. I got to Mom’s as Josephine was getting ready to eat dinner, so we all ate together. By the time we got home, she was tired, and I was tired. I lost my cool, and she had a meltdown.” He takes a deep breath. I can imagine him running his fingers through his hair for the umpteenth time today. “It was a shit show. We both needed a hug, and I had to apologize for the second time today. I’m going to talk to Mom, and if you can handle three or four days a week watching Josephine at my place, it might be better.”
I finish drawing a leaf while he lets it all out. “Jameson, you’re doing a great job. I’m good to watch her as much as you need. It’s not like I’m super busy with photo shoots, but if I have one booked, I’m sure your mom can take her for an hour or so, then I’ll pick her back up. Josephine is probably trying to figure out her new routine.” I know his words can be harsh. I also know that when it comes to his little girl, he would never purposely make her cry.
“I’d appreciate it. I’m pretty sure it’s the waking up early, going to bed late, add in Emma being gone and her not asking many questions. I think it’s all too much.” I did notice Josephine hasn’t asked me about her mom, but I figured it’s because she talks to others.
“Well, I’m here to help in whatever way I can. Do you mind if I take Josephine to the store tomorrow? I need to get a new sketchpad, and she’s slowly outgrowing the puzzles you have at the house.” I’m trying not to have a huge opinion on certain areas with Josephine. I don’t want to step on toes and open my mouth when the advice isn’t wanted or warranted.
“Babe, you can take her anywhere except the fucking park. Jesus, I still have nightmares about what could have happened.” He pauses. “The playset for the house is coming next week. I need to see if I can rally the guys to come help me build it.” There’s the Jameson Evans I know when he drops that shield of his—overprotective, fierce, and loves his little girl with his whole heart.
“So, take her to the park. Got it,” I tease, trying to get him to laugh and decompress at the same time. He really is carrying a lot of weight on his shoulders. I’m sure he’s also dealing with more than he lets on about Emma. My brother told me there was nothing romantic or love involved. I’m not sure that matters when you have a child with someone. I think that’s the one saving grace with Richie; we didn’t have kids. Going into our marriage, I knew I wanted them, voiced my opinion on the matter. He even agreed. Then, a year into our relationship, Richie changed his mind, and there was no negotiating. In the long run, I was thankful, but at the time, it was one of those moments that crushed my soul.
“Woman, I’m trying to go slow with you, and here you are, pushing my buttons. My hand is itching to see what your ass would feel like warmed up by my palm slapping down on your soft-as-fuck skin.” So much for getting him to laugh. There’s an ache between my thighs that wasn’t there moments ago, but the threat of Jameson spanking me, well, I’m seeing the appeal more and more.
“Jameson,” I all but moan out his name, head dropping back, eyes closing, and why are we taking things slow again? Oh, that’s right, because Jameson’s tongue is sharp and wicked. He could also use the strong muscle in a completely different way. Yet he hasn’t.
“And this is where we get off the phone for the night,” I grumble in annoyance. “Kody, we keep this up much longer, your fingers will be buried inside your pussy, my hand will be wrapped around my cock, and I’ll be telling you exactly how you’re going to come over the phone.”
“Is that a promise?” My hand abandons the colored pencil I was using and slides beneath the blanket until my fingers trail a path down the inside of my thigh.
“It’s a guaran-fucking-tee.” I hear the hiss of a zipper on the other end of the line. “Now get some sleep while I jack my cock to another memory of how you taste.” He hangs up the phone without so much of a goodbye. I do one better. I kick the sheets off my body and shimmy my sleep shorts off, leaving me in a deep blue lace thong. It takes me no time at all to set up the shot. My thighs are spread, my fingers are beneath the fabric, and my middle finger is on my clit. I make sure the camera is in live view and take a few pictures as I warm myself. My body shudders in bliss as I find the best one to send him. With a press of his thumb, he’ll get the action, and Jameson will see what he does to me. I pull up his text thread, attach the image, and type out:
Me: You’re a tease, but I can do better.
I drop my phone, ignoring the way it’s going off with a text, then a call, then another text. Jameson keeps going, and I don’t stop what I’m doing to answer. I’m too busy making myself come. Maybe next time, he won’t decide what I want and don’t want.
All damn night I was at war with my head and my cock. My head telling me to stay put, don’t call a family member to come over and watch Josephine. My cock saying do it, go after the woman who made you rock hard with a moan and a picture. One I used to jack off to last night and this morning. My damn palm is nothing compared to Kody’s, and visualizing those long dainty fingers of hers fucking her cunt while I was watching between her spread thighs. And Kody is definitely making me work my ass off when it comes to her. The woman can ignore her phone like no one I know. My calls and texts went unanswered, and while it was probably for the best, I didn’t like it one single bit.
I’m standing on my front porch waiting for the temptress to pull into the driveway. Josephine is still asleep, tucked into her bed, bear next to her and thumb out of her mouth. A sign of a deep sleep, one she won’t be coming out of for a while. I’m just raising my cup of coffee to my lips when I see her car turn the corner onto our street. This is probably the first of many cups I’ll have to get me through the day after a night where all I could think about is Kody. She’s pulling in the driveway as the sun barely starts to rise behind her car. A signal that I’m going to have at least thirty minutes of alone time with Kody before I need to leave for work. I abandon my coffee, set it on the rail, and head down the stairs in nothing but a pair of jeans to help her out of the car. She’s barely inParkbefore I’m opening her driver’s side door, bending down, and unbuckling her seatbelt.
“Jameson, well, good morning to you, too.” She pulls the keys out of the ignition. I grab her bag in one hand while my other is helping her out of the car. As much as I’m craving my mouth on hers, I know once I start, there’s no stopping. The last thing I’m willing to do is make another display of Kody out here in the open, even with my truck obscuring her for the most part. Been there, done that, almost lost my woman because of it.