Page 75 of The Pact
“I don’t know anyone who can.” As he was blocking my path, I reluctantly slowed to a halt and gave him a sedate smile.
His own smile, by contrast, was wide and intimate. “Addison, how’re you doing?” he asked, moving closer.
“I’m fine.” I tensed when he draped an arm over my shoulders—I repeat,draped an arm over my shoulders—as he turned to his pals.
“This is Addison Mercier, Dax’s wife,” he told them with the familiarity of someone introducing their sibling. “I have the pleasure of saying they’re both friends of mine.”
Friends?Snort. Not even close.
Sabrina bugged humor-filled eyes at me and then looked away, most likely struggling to hold back a laugh.
See, this was a “thing” now. People who I only peripherally knew would not only act over-the-top friendly with me, they’d introduce me astheir buddy to others—always being sure to add that I was Dax Mercier’s wife. Basically, they liked to insinuate to others that they had a connection of sorts to him.
Sabrina had been right when she’d predicted that my marrying Dax would positively impact Sapphire Glade. It was nice and all, but I wanted people to hire us because we deserved it, not because they wanted to score points with Dax. Some would even enquire as to whether he’d turn up at their event.
Why the hell would he?
I smoothly stepped out from under Jenson’s arm and gave his associates a polite smile. “It’s nice to meet you all. This is my friend, Sabrina.”
The men greeted us both warmly, and two seemed somewhat amused. I got the impression that they knew Jenson was full of shit.
He refocused on me. “How is Dax? He looked well the last time I saw him.”
“When was that?” I asked.
His mouth bopped open and closed. “Recently,” he finally settled on.
“Ah. Well, he’s doing just fine.”
Sabrina pointed at Jenson. “You look familiar … Were you at their wedding?” she asked, knowing full well that he wasn’t.
Jenson parted his lips to speak … but didn’t say a word. Well, to deny his presence would beg the question of why he didn’t get an invite, being our “friend” and all.
“No,” I replied for him. “He’s my old neighbor.”
Sabrina clicked her fingers. “Ah, that’s right. I knew I recognized him from somewhere.”
I patted his arm. “It was good seeing you again, Jackson.”
His eyes flared. “Jenson.”
I gave a fake wince. “Right, sorry.” I flashed his friends a brief smile. “Enjoy the rest of the party.” I quickly made my escape.
Beside me, Sabrina huffed. “Name-droppers are just plain sad.”
“At least he’s stopped being creepy—small mercies and all that. Alicia said he doesn’t bother her anymore.”
“Well, that’s something.”
Outside the beautiful building, I practically wilted under the August heat. Both of us eager to get out of the sun, we strolled down the path that cut through the manicured lawn and then hopped into my car.
Folding her arms, Sabrina angled her body to face me better. “So … now that our workday is pretty much over … I think it’s a good time to bring this up.”
Reversing out of the parking space, I shot her a confused glance. “Bring up what?”
“The thing is … I think Dax might have something against gay people.”
I brought the car to an abrupt halt. “What?”