Page 173 of The Pact
Dax grunted. “Fuck, Addie.”Thenhe started to fuck me, ramming his hips forward over and over, making his belt buckle jingle. It was brutal and pitiless and violent.
I felt his cock thicken and pulse just before he buried himself unbearably deep. He bit out something crude as he exploded, blasting out whip after whip of come.
Then we both kind of slumped.
Chapter Thirty-One
“Ireally appreciate this, Addie,” said Marleigh the following Saturday as we stood on her front door step. “The shower was everything I would have wanted.”
Neither Sabrina nor I had told her that we’d been planning to throw the baby shower for her. We’d only sprung the news of it on Marleigh yesterday, and … well, she’d cried. The heavily pregnant woman did a lot of that nowadays. She was close to crying again right at this very moment—her eyes were actually welling up.
“It’s like you have an endless supply of tears,” I teased.
“It’s the hormones,” she sniffled before placing a hand on her swollen belly. “And the back pain. And the whole waddling like a penguin thing. And have youseenthe size of my bump? My grandmother asked metwiceif I was sure I wasn’t having twins. My aunt said she wouldn’t be surprised to hear it was triplets.”
I kissed her forehead. “Ignore those people. You look beautiful, even with your eyes all red and puffy.”
Hearing the purr of a car engine, we looked to see Ollie parking at the curb. He exited the vehicle with a smile, but his brow furrowed as he saw his fiancée trying to smother sobs.
He made a beeline for her. “What’s wrong?” he asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Did you struggle to zip up your boots again?”
She socked him in the gut, seeming to delight in hisoof. “I get no sympathy from you. None.”
He chuckled. “Did you enjoy your baby shower?”
Her glistening eyes lit up. “I did.” She grabbed his hand. “Wait until you see all the gifts for the baby. There are even some for me.”
“Did I get any?” he asked, sliding his arm around her shoulder.
His brow pinched. “Hey, how’s that fair?”
She offered him a brittle smile. “Oh, I’m sorry, areyoucarrying our child for nine months?”
He grimaced. “No—”
“Then you get no rewards.”
“Rewards, huh? Okay.” He nodded at me, his mouth curved. “Thanks, Addie. I really appreciate it. And thanks to you, too, Sabrina,” he added as my BFF materialized.
She inclined her head. “You’re very welcome, my dear almost-brother-in-law. But if you let Marleigh do as she threatened and call the baby Winchester—”
“Threatened?” echoed Marleigh, her nose scrunching up.
“—you and me are gonna have a huge fallout.”
Marleigh sighed at her sister. “I didn’tthreatenanything. I mentioned that I very much like the name and just might choose it if the baby’s a boy.”
“There’s nothing wrong with Winchester,” Ollie cut in.
Sabrina blinked. “You’d be naming your son after a gunanda haunted building. What on Earth makes you think that would be a good idea?”
How my BFF didn’t see that the couple was fucking with her, I didn’t know. “You’re all ridiculous.” I tugged on Sabrina’s arm. “Come on, let’s go.”
“Fine,” she huffed.
After the hugs and goodbyes were done and dusted, she and I walked toward our respective car.