Page 148 of The Pact
Sliding into the driver’s seat, he said, “Don’t pass out.”
“But it could be fun.”
“I can’t fuck you if you’re unconscious, and I want to know what drunk sex with you is like.”
Even as my body fired up, I opened one eye to shoot him a cautioning glance. “I’m not gonna let you do freaky stuff to me, no matter how interesting it might sound. Come near me with, like, a unicorn dildo or an anal hook probe and we’re gonna have problems.” I didn’t judge those who used them—in fact, I felt such people should be praised for having the guts to go there—but, no, those kind of toys weren’t for me. I wasn’t quite that adventurous.
His brow creasing, he switched on the engine. “And how do you know such things are available?”
“I read, don’t I?”
“Maybe I should be asking more questions aboutwhatyou’re reading.” He pulled out onto the road. “So, you had a good night, I take it.”
I smiled. “The best. Imighthave missed you. A teensy bit. Maybe. Or not.”
The corner of his mouth twitched.
“Did you get rid of the bird?”
“Yes. Though getting rid of the cat might be better.”
I scowled, pointing at him. “Not happening, Mercier. No way, no how. Me and Gypsy are a package deal. If she goes, I go. Even though leaving you would break my pussy’s heart and send my hormones into a state of full-on depression, it’d have to play out that way.”
Another twitch of his lips. “We can’t have that, can we?”
“No, so she stays. Deal?”
A few fine lines creased his forehead. “I didn’t realize we were negotiating anything.”
“I’m saying I’ll stay so long as Gypsy can.” Obviously. “Keep up.”
He shot me a sideways glance. “You’re not going anywhere, psycho cat or no psycho cat.”
“Excuse me, she’s not a psycho.”
“She killed a baby bird.”
I gasped, putting a hand to my chest. “It was a baby?”
“Yes. Somewhere out there its mother is probably chirping and shrieking and calling out for its—”
“Stop, stop,” I pled with a groan.
He didn’t bother stifling a smile.
“You’re an ass.”
“But I don’t snatch chicks out of their nests and kill them, so there’s that.” Pretty soon, he pulled into our driveway. Switching off the engine, he slid me a brief look and snapped off his seatbelt. “Wait there.” He then exited the vehicle.
Ordinarily, I would have had my door open by the time he reached it, but my seatbelt was being stubborn tonight. I peered up at him. “I don’t think your car wants me to leave.”
He reached in with a sigh, unclipped my belt, and then helped me hop out. He frowned down at my feet. “Why did you take off your shoes?”
I shrugged. “Felt like it.”
Another sigh.
Clutching my purse to my chest with one hand, I plucked my shoes out of the car with the other. “You sigh at me, like,a lot.”