Page 125 of The Pact
We talked. Teased. Shared. The air of remoteness that had originally existed between us had slowly but surely fizzled out. So, yeah, everything was going well.
This was made better by how we’d had three weeks of pure peace. No more bullshit from Felicity, Grayden, or Blaise. And aside from the apologetic text she’d sent to Dax the morning after her last stunt—a text within which she’d also assured him that she’d never sell any stories about him to the media—there’d been no more peeps out of Mimi.
Ready to leave, I locked my office, said my goodbyes to the members of my team who hadn’t yet left their desks, and then took the elevator down to the first floor.
As I was crossing the lobby, my phone began to chime. Halting, I dug a hand into my purse and whipped out my cell.Mom.Feeling my lips soften into a smile, I greeted, “Hey Mom, what’s up?”
A shaky breath traveled down the line. “Addie, don’t panic; hear me out all the way.”
I went motionless, my gut clenching. “What’s happened?”
She hesitated. “Wyatt’s in hospital. We think he had a heart attack.” Her voice broke on the latter words.
I all but flew out of the building as dread gripped me in its jaws. “What hospital?”
“St. Erin’s.”
“I’ll meet you there,” I told her as I ran for the parking lot, my pace restricted by my goddamn high heels.
“You don’t need to come all the way up here; I can keep you updated.”
Fuck that.“I’m on my way. Text me where exactly you’re at.” The hospital washuge.“I’ll see you soon.” I hung up and dialed Dax’s number, tearing across the parking lot like my ass was on fire.
“Yes?” he answered.
“I’m sorry but you’ll need to head to Sarah’s birthday meal without me,” I said, my words a little breathy and choppy.
A brief pause. “What’s wrong?” His voice was hard and cautious.
“Wyatt had a heart attack. Or that’s what my mom suspects—she doesn’t know for sure yet.” Finally reaching my car, I unlocked it with the key fob. “I’m heading to St. Erin’s now.”
A low curse sounded. “I know it’s easier said than done, but try not to think the worst. People can have chest pains for other reasons.”
“I know, but it’s hard not to panic.” Having tossed my purse and satchel on the passenger seat, I hopped into the car and switched on the engine. “I’ll text you when I know more. I have to go.”
“Don’t drive too fast, Addison. Be safe.”
I blinked, surprised by the vehemency in his voice. “I will.” I ended the call, dumped my cell in the cupholder, and reversed out of my spot.
I took deep, controlled breaths as I drove, adrenaline pulsing around my system. Wyatt had had a few health issues over the years, but nothing too serious. I’d never worried much. To me, he’d always been larger than life; too strong for anything to take him down. Hearing he could have potentially had a heart attack wiped away that comforting delusion.
I knew my siblings would find this just as rough. He wasn’t a grandfather who’d clicked more with one grandchild than the others. He had the same tight, close relationship with all of us. It was horrible to think that we could lose him.
I finally reached the hospital, but it took several minutes of scouring the attached lot before I found a space to park. Exiting the vehicle, I made a swift beeline for the building, panic fluttering in my belly like a thousand butterflies. Using the directions my mother had texted me, I made my way to a particular private waiting room, passing shops and cafés and various units and wards as I navigated the maze of hallways.
Shoving open the door to the glassed-in room, I found my mom, Alicia, Harri, and Melinda all sat around looking varying degrees of anxious. They stood when I crossed to them, and I quickly hugged all four women.
“How is he?” I asked no one in particular.
“We’re not sure yet.” Melinda dabbed her red nose with a scrunched-up tissue and slumped back into her seat. “No doctors have come out to give us any news yet.”
I glanced around. “Where’s Dad?”
“New York,” Vienna replied as she returned to her seat beside Melinda, who immediately clasped her hand tight.
“Business trip?” I guessed.
My mom nodded. “Ollie’s with him. I let them know what happened. They’re going to fly home today.”