Page 107 of The Pact
“Real nice,” commented Glenn, staring at my cleavage. “Even bigger than your girl’s titties.”
God save me from hormonal teenage idiots. I met Blaise’s glare with one of my own. “Walk away.”
He didn’t. He pointed his energy drink at me in a sharp, accusing move. “Because of you, my mom lost her job. A job she’d had foryears.Dax was behind it—I know he was. He did it foryou.”
Huh. It wasn’t a major surprise. I’d thought it possible that he’d choose such a method of retaliation. My dad had been known to use it on occasion.
Not about to say anything that would implicate Dax, I only replied, “If he is behind it—and I’m not saying he is—she brought that on herself. You’ll bring something similar onyourself if you don’t quit this now.”
Blaise let out an ugly snicker. “I ain’t afraid of Dax.”
“I doubt that.”
“If he touches me evenonce, my Uncle Lowe will take his ass down,” Blaise gloated.
How typical that he’d consider himself safe to act like a shithead because he had someone who’d bail him out of trouble. I shook my head. “Lowe won’t be able to save you from Dax.” Even the sheriff himself would know that.
Glenn exchanged a nervous look with the third boy and then leaned toward Blaise. “She talking about Mercier?” he asked, a shaky note to his voice.
“Yes,” I confirmed, figuring that Blaise’s friends deserved the chance to remove themselves from the situation since all they’d really done was make inappropriate sexual comments.
Their eyes widening, the two began to back away, passing the side of my car as they did so.
I resettled my gaze on Blaise. “You should be smart like your buddies there andmove. This scene here won’t impress your mom. All you’re doing is focusing Dax’s attention back on your family. She won’t want that. Neither should you.”
He sneered. “What she doesn’t want is some bitch pining after what’s hers. You want to steal Grayden from her again. Don’t know why, because he’s a piece of shit in my opinion.”
I didn’t bother pointing out that I hadn’t “stolen” Grayden from her at all; that he and Felicity had been separated back when he and I got together—Blaise knew that already. “If I wanted him, I wouldn’t have married Dax, would I?”
“How the hell did you even pull that off, anyway? Well, I’m betting he’s regretting it. Now he’s stuck with a shit-stirring skank who’s turned him against his own family.”
I almost crossed my eyes. He acted as if Dax and Felicity had been close all their lives until now. Not about to explain myself to some snotty-nosed kid, I flicked up a brow. “Are you done? Or would you like to make this even worse for yourself?”
I thought he’d probably choose the latter option, but a smirk pulled at his mouth as he held up one hand in a gesture of peace. “I guess I’m done.”
Blaise backed away, taking the exact path that his friends had. As he approached my car, he dug something out of his pocket. There was a slight screeching sound as—motherfucker—he keyed my goddamn car. He stopped near my front passenger window as something caught his attention. Shit, I’d left it open a few inches.He pocketed his keys, opened his bottle, and then tipped a good portion of his drink through the gap.
Grinding my teeth, I glared at the little shit, wishing I was close enough that I could whack him over the head with my purse.
His smirk widening, he said, “Whoops. Sorry about that.”
Oh, someone needed to tan his ass. And someone would. Because I wasn’t going to protect him from consequences this time. “Bad idea, Blaise.”
He only laughed and then jogged over to his friends. He wouldn’t be laughing for long.
Striding over to my car with angry steps, I yanked open the front passenger door and glanced inside. My mouth went so tight my lips trembled. The nearest seat was covered in orange liquid, which was also dripping down the inside of the door and soaking the carpet.Motherfucker.
I took a step back, feeling my nostrils flare. No amount of thin-ass paper towels were going to be of any help, so it would be best to hurry home and deal with the mess there. I shut the door and then examined the groove in the paintwork left by his key. It was one hell of a deep scratch. My anger ramping up, I clenched my fists and cursed beneath my breath.
Since there was no way I could plonk my purse on the passenger seat as usual, I tucked it behind the driver’s seat and then hopped in. Closing the door, I started the engine and lowered all my windows—the goddamn air in the car stank of the tangy orange drink.
As I drove, I fought for some measure of calm. I didn’t find it. He’d gone too far this time.
Insulting and bitching at me was bad enough. But while neither were acceptable, they weren’t anything I hadn’t dealt with before. For Blaise to damage my property, however, was a whole other matter.
And completely unnecessary.
He’d said his piece. He’d vented plenty. That should have been enough for him. But no, he’d taken it that step further just to be a prick.