Page 8 of Madame
“Hey, Bradley, you hungry?” he says, using my last name as he often does.
“Hell yeah. Where are we ordering from today?” I ask, swiveling back and forth in my office chair.
“I’ll have Jade pick something up for us. How do you feel about sushi?”
“Sounds great,” I reply.
My boss leans against the doorframe as he pulls out his phone and, I assume, composes a text to the girl who just snuck out of my office.
“Dragon roll?” he asks, and I nod in return.
“Sounds good.”
I like my boss a lot. He’s lenient enough to make the environment enjoyable but tough enough to make me a better analyst. I’ve been like a protégé to him in his financial management company for the past five years, and I’m hoping that sometime this year, I’ll have a promotion to look forward to.
Will needs me as a partner in this firm if we’re going to take it to the next level like he wants to. He’s a great financial planner, but he’s impulsive and, at times, messy. We balance each other out well, and if I get that promotion, we’ll be unstoppable.
His eyes lift from his phone just as the door to the office opens, and my skin pales as a familiar sweet voice calls from the end of the hall.
“Hey, Daddy!” Jade says as she approaches Will.
“Hey, Cupcake. I was just texting you. How does sushi sound for lunch?”
She steps into the doorway and glances at me for only a second. With an awkward wave, she sends me a casual greeting. “Hi, Clay.”
“Hi, Jade,” I reply, turning my eyes back to my computer, afraid they’ll give me away without warning.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jade kiss her father on his cheek. Remembering where those lips were five minutes ago makes me want to die of shame.
Jade and I never planned this. Ever since she graduated from college, she’s just been around the office a lot. And since it’s only Will, me, and an unreliable temp, Jade’s been picking up the slack. After so many late nights and lunch runs, things just happened.
And now, here we are. I’ve been fucking my boss’s twenty-three-year-old daughter—sometimes in the same exact building—for the past five months.
Jade immediately picked up on my sour mood after thingshappenedat the club that I never really told her about. She swooped in and gave me the attention and comfort I craved. One thing just led to another from there.
“I’ll go if Clay drives me there. I hate trying to park downtown,” Jade says with a pout aimed in my direction.
“You don’t mind, do you?” Will replies, not even looking up from his phone.
“No, sir.”
Jade shoots me a wink as I stand from my office chair and shove my keys into my pocket. Just as I shut my office door, Will levels his stern gaze on me.
“Be careful with my little girl, Bradley.”
Doing my best to look innocent and obedient, I nod at him with my brows pinched inward.
“Of course. I always am.” I say it like I’m the best, most trustworthy employee he could hope for.
With that, I head toward the door, Jade following closely behind. My cock has this habit of getting excited at the mere thought of being alone with her, so it’s already starting to tent up my pants before I even make it out of the building.
We manage to keep our hands off each other the entire time, even after getting in the car and driving out of the parking lot. We make it all the way down the road before I have to pull into the parking lot of a run-down strip mall. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her slipping her panties down her legs in a rush. The car is barely in park before she’s in my lap, those velvety soft legs of hers clenched at my sides, straddling me as she kisses my face with passion.
“I can’t get enough of you,” I mumble against her neck as she fumbles with the belt of my pants.
And it’s true. I can’t seem to ever quench my thirst for this girl. When this started, I thought maybe it was just a fling, running only on passion and the forbidden nature of it, but it’s been over five months now, and I’m growing attached to more than just her body.
I used to think she was so innocent, but her sweet, virginal appearance is all a front. Jade might be the most sex-crazed woman I’ve been with. I find it alluring.