Page 67 of Madame
“You’re here almost every night. You come to every event. You know every single member, and you raise hell every time something goes even the slightest bit wrong. There’s hardly a decision made around here withoutyourinput. You’re practically already running this place, Eden. Emerson is just offering you proper compensation and recognition for the job you’realreadydoing.”
My lips press together tightly as I look away.
“Emerson Grant always has to be the hero, doesn’t he?” I mutter loud enough for her to hear.
She giggles at that but doesn’t respond. I’m right, of course.
“And I don’t knoweverymember,” I add.
“Will you please just take the job?” she begs. “He’s already created the position. We met with the accountant this morning, and everything is in place.”
My eyes widen as I stare at her in shock. “He did?”
“Yes, but it’s only for you. He won’t hire anyone else.”
“You’re manipulating me into taking this job. You realize that, right?”
“So that’s a yes?” she asks with a beaming smile.
“It’s amaybe.”
“Good enough for me.”
“I hope your Dom is proud,” I reply.
Again, she bats her eyes at me. “I’m nothing if not a good girl.”
I scoff at that, shoving her on the shoulder. “What would happen if you didn’t do exactly what Daddy Emerson says all the time? Maybe a little punishment would do you good. If he’s not up for the task, I’d be happy to do it.”
With a smile, she leans in, popping a kiss on my cheek before whispering, “Never.” I laugh as she bounces away.
I can’t really take that job. I love their persistence and how much they clearly value me here, but I can’t possibly be away from Jack more than I already am. It’s not their fault that they don’t know how much I have at stake.
I’m so lost in my thoughts that I nearly jump out of my seat when Charlotte returns, her excitable voice in my ear. “Oh, by the way, you have a friend at the bar downstairs.”
My spine straightens and I turn toward her with wide eyes. Before I can ask who it is, she’s rushing away again. From the second-level VIP bar, I can’t see the bar downstairs, so I don’t know if thisfriendis male or female—Clay or Jade.
I haven’t spoken to either of them in days. I’ve been working on my apology to Jade for the way we ended our last session and what I said to her on the phone, but I can’t seem to bring myself to make the call.
I never intended for her to see me with that couple in the voyeur hall, but it never should have mattered. Jade and I are not intimate. There is no relationship between us, so why would I care if she did? It’s just the way she spoke to me on the phone that dug its way under my skin.
I’mnotashamed of what I do with couples here at the club. And Idon’tfeel like an accessory in other people’s relationships. Everything I’ve done here has beenmychoice.
And I haven’t spoken to Clay either. That night with him and Jack was good—too good. But I’m embarrassed for ever asking him to come. It was a weak moment and broke one of my cardinal rules. And Idon’tbreak my rules.
At least, I didn’t…until they came along.
“Fuck,” I mutter to myself, rubbing my forehead and mentally preparing myself to face one of them.
How the fuck did I get so entangled in this couple’s relationship?
And how the hell do I get myself out of it?
Rising from my stool, I make my way down the stairs toward the main level. With my fingers gliding softly along the banister, I let my eyes cascade over the crowd tonight, trying not to look too eager or desperate.
When they land on a muted blue suit and long brown locks, my breath hitches in my chest. I watch his hand lift the glass with his usual gin and tonic toward his lips, and I’m shaken by his presence as if it’s the first time I’ve seen him in six months. Even though it’s not.
I just saw Clay last weekend.