Page 54 of Madame
She’s slowly running the pad of her finger over the rim of her martini glass while I go on and on about what Clay and I did in his office yesterday. She’s wearing a lopsided smirk as she gazes down at the drink in front of her.
“So you understand why I encouraged you to do that?” she asks in a flat tone.
“Sort of. So I’d prioritize my own pleasure, right? And stop feeling so ashamed of taking what I want.”
She nods with a small smile. “If only I could teach every woman that much.”
“You should,” I reply, taking a sip of my vodka and cranberry juice. “You should write a book! Or be president.”
That makes her laugh a bit more; it might be the biggest smile I’ve seen her express. For the first time, I notice the gentle laugh lines around her mouth and how pretty she is when she grins in a way that shows her pearly white teeth. The front two have a sliver of a gap, and I realize now that it must be something she’s tried to hide, although I don’t know why. Eden is stunning as it is, but a happy Eden is out-of-this-world gorgeous.
When she catches me staring, I quickly avert my gaze, turning my attention downward.
“So…what’s next?” I ask without looking back up.
I wait as she drags in a breath and lets it out slowly. “To be honest, I don’t know. It’s not like I had planned for this.”
She’s leaning on the table, and when I finally pull my gaze up to her face, she’s staring at me. She seems less tense today than normal, and it makes me wonder what her life outside of this club is like. I don’t want to pry, but I sort of want to know everything about her. I want to crawl inside her mind and know her like no one else does.
Even being at this table alone with her feels like an honor not everyone is afforded.
“What do you like about being a Domme?” I ask, folding my arms on the table.
She tilts her head to the side and deliberates before answering. “To be honest, I used to be like you—a people pleaser. I didn’t know how to take what I wanted, which landed me in a mess of trouble. So, after I clawed my way out, I decided I didn’t want to live like that anymore. I wanted to be a better version of myself.”
“Wow,” I mutter. Then she leans forward and looks into my eyes.
“There’s nothing wrong with being submissive or selfless, but you have to know your own boundaries before you can expect anyone else to respect them.”
I lean toward her, mirroring her position so we’re only inches apart, hovering over our drinks. “What if you don’t know what you want? Or who you are? Or what your boundaries are? What if…you love someone and you want to give them everything they need?”
Her brow furrows, and her lips pinch together tightly. Then her face softens in the blink of an eye as if she suddenly understands me.
“Have you ever loved someone like that?” I ask with desperation.
To my surprise, she nods. “Yes, I did and I do.” Then her hand lands softly on mine. “But what you want and who you are matters, Jade. No amount of love for someone else can change that.”
When our eyes meet, the moment between us is charged and burns with intensity. My hand under hers is suddenly buzzing, and I slowly pull it away.
After we’ve both sat up properly, we each take a drink and let the moment pass.
“Have you met any couples with mismatched kinks before?” I ask after I’ve taken my sip.
“Oh, tons,” she replies. “My best friend and his wife, actually. She loves impact play, and he doesn’t like bringing her pain, no matter how much she wants him to.”
“So what do they do?” I ask.
This makes her smile. “They bring in reinforcements.”
By the wicked smirk she’s wearing, I assumesheis the reinforcement. Just the thought of Eden joining a married couple in the bedroom has my stomach stirring with excitement. Does she only do the impact play stuff, or does she have sex with them too?
A couple more of these vodka cranberry drinks, and I might be ready to ask those exact questions.
“The important thing is communication,” she says more seriously. “Always.”
“But what difference does it make? If you want different things, how is communicating going to help?” I ask.
She shrugs. “Because we all want the same thing—to feel safe, satisfied, and seen. We just take different roads to get there. If my friend’s wife loves pain and wants it, then is he really hurting her, or is he just giving her exactly what she wants? If a submissive’s only desire is to please their Dom, then who is really in control if the sub is getting exactly what they want? These are all just dynamics that exist here in this club and out in the real world. We’re all after the same thing, but sometimes we have to get a little creative with how we work with those around us to get it.”