Page 150 of Madame
10 p.m.
Eden’s text today left a bad feeling in my mouth. Even after my nudie this morning, she didn’t respond.
Then my dad came home from his solo boating trip and told me he ran into her at the park with her son. Why didn’t she tell us she was taking Jack to the park?
What is going on with her?
I know something is up, but I have no idea what it could be. Things were amazing last night.
They’ve been amazing all week. I’ve never felt better in my entire life. I feel like I belong with them.
They are my home.
And I can’t help but think about what my dad said that day on the boat about settling.
This doesn’t feel like settling. I feel like I’ve found two people who I’m crazy about and who make me feel good. I’m not committing to forever, but the urge to build a life with them is stronger than I anticipated.
So maybe my dad was wrong, but maybe I was too.
Because I used to think falling in love was simple, but it’s not. Falling in love costs a piece of yourself. It takes more than it gives. But with the way I feel for both of them, I would willfully give everything.
So when he warned me not to settle down too young, I didn’t understand, but I do now. Because I know I will never be the same again.
When I show up at Clay’s, Eden is not there yet. When I walk into his apartment, he greets me with a kiss.
“Everything okay?” he asks when he notices the heaviness in my expression.
“I’m a little worried,” I say carefully.
“About what?” he asks, leading me into the kitchen. He makes me a drink while I talk.
“Eden was acting a little strange today. Don’t you think?”
His brows pinch inward as he thinks. “She was quiet.”
“My dad said he ran into her at the harbor today,” I add, and Clay’s head snaps up.
“Is it bad that we never really told her about him? That we were keeping our relationship a secret?”
He swallows. “It’ll be fine, baby. I promise.”
“How do you know that?” I ask, feeling uneasy.
He doesn’t respond for a moment, but just as he opens his mouth to answer, his apartment buzzer goes off, jolting us both. Rushing past me, he hits the button to let her in.
Then he turns toward me, placing his hands on my arms. Kissing my forehead, he smiles. “It’s going to be fine, baby. Relax.”
A moment later, Eden walks in.
Immediately, I know Clay is wrong.
She’s dressed casually, in just a pair of black leggings and a T-shirt. Not that she has to dress up for us, but normally, she’s more put together.
“Hey,” Clay says as he approaches her.
Everything is wrong.
When Eden doesn’t reach for either of us and takes a seat on the solo chair instead of the couch, I know this is going to be bad.