Page 139 of Madame
“You’re not interrupting,” Hunter replies, then he glances back at his husband. “Drake was just attempting to make my workday more difficult.”
“Successfully,” Drake replies. Then he moves toward the door. “I’ll let you work now.”
I put up a hand. “Actually, I was hoping to talk to both of you.”
Their brows arch in unison as they glance at me with curiosity. “It’s…personal,” I add, which only makes their expressions intensify.
Closing the door behind me, I take a deep breath as I move toward the empty chair in front of Hunter’s desk. What once was a communal office has been designated to Hunter since he’s the only one who works at the club anymore. An array of baby photos of their twin girls is scattered around the desk.
Garrett and Emerson have taken to working mostly from home, although they can often be found wandering around the club, tying up odds and ends. This leaves the other desk in the large office unoccupied and waiting for a new member of the team.
Yes, I’ve noticed how empty it is. And tempting.
“I have some questions about…your relationship,” I say, feeling completely out of my element.
“What kinds of questions?” Hunter asks, resting his forearms on the desk and leaning forward.
“I’m…seeing someone,” I say. God, this is uncomfortable. Just giving out one small personal detail of my life feels like walking naked through the grocery store.
When it’s obvious they’re both waiting for more information, I add, “Two…someones.”
“Ahh…” Drake replies, now clearly interested in what I’m getting at.
“And you want our advice on being in a poly relationship?” Hunter replies, always the pragmatic.
“You’re into both of them?” Drake asks.
I nod.
“And they’re into each other?”
“They’re dating.”
I swear I notice him wincing for a split second.
“Is that bad?” I ask.
Hunter is the one to step in. “No. It’s not bad.”
“You’re feeling like the third wheel,” Drake says, not exactly a question but more a statement. Of course, he knows how it feels. It was just two years ago that he joined his best friend’s marriage with Hunter’s wife, Isabel.
“I’m used to feeling like the third wheel. How do I stop?”
“Chances are you’re feeling that more than they are. When Drake joined us, we had alotof conversations about that. More often than not, it was due to things we did unknowingly, so communication is key. Once Isabel and I were aware of that behavior, we stopped.”
“Communication is always key, isn’t it?” I reply with an uncomfortable grin.
“Unfortunately,” Hunter replies with a scowl. He was never much for conversation, so I imagine he has as many hurdles as I do.
“Make sure you spend time with each of them on your own, too,” Drake adds. “And then even more time all together as the three of you. That’s a big relationship to take care of.”
“Do you ever get jealous?” I ask, afraid I’m opening a can of worms they might not feel comfortable with.
“Jealous isn’t the right word,” Hunter replies. “What Drake and Isabel have is different than what Isabel and I have or what Drake and I have together. I’m never jealous of that. In fact, I love to see what they have. It’s just different, not better or worse.”
“We have the same relationship problems as everyone else,” Drake adds.