Page 12 of My Secret Wanderlust
I’m sick of these gray brick walls and the smell of decay mixed with fear and loneliness that comes with incarceration. She’s going to wash all that away. I know just one taste of her and we’ll be in heaven.
Today’s the day, and my dick has been aching for this for six long months.
Ridge and I are inmates at ADV in Florence, Colorado, also known as the Alcatraz of the Rockies. We are cellmates and do our work detail together. This is the first day we’ve been assigned laundry duty, so now we can have some fun. Our plans are sliding into place.
We wheel around the big bin of fresh linens, taking them to the prison hospital wing. Once there, we are supposed to trade out the bins, leaving the clean one there and taking the dirty one with us. This detail requires two inmates since the bins are so heavy. They only rotate certain duties every three months, so Ridge and I had to trade a lot of contraband to get it. This particular route cost extra because the doctor is on it. We know her routine because we’ve been watching her as best as we could since we got here. She’s fucking hard to miss.
The coy smiles she would shoot me in passing only worked me up more. She’s been asking for it. You don’t tease men like Ridge and me and think we won’t take what we want. We will. She got us all worked up and now she’s going to let us take out our frustrations on her body. In her body.
Doc Charlotte runs the prison infirmary, and today we’re paying her a visit. She’s tall with long sexy legs, thick blonde hair that falls to her waist, and an ass that a man can grab on to. Or in our case,mencan grab on to. And, fuck, her lips. They’re gut-clenching, cock-swelling lips that I can't wait to see wrapped around my cock as I thrust into her mouth.
Ridge and I set up a few bribes to make sure that when we drop off the laundry today, the Doc will be all alone. No one will be there to help her. She’ll be all ours. We don’t want any interruptions.
“Fuck, my balls are so goddamn full. I’m going to nut all over her tight asshole,” I say, and reach down to rub my cock, trying to relieve some of the pressure.
“You should have jerked off this morning like I did so it will last longer,” Ridge says, shooting me a half smirk.
I laugh and shake my head. “Nah. She’s gonna get me hard again as soon as I cum. I’m fucking her at least twice.”
“Good luck with that. She’ll probably bite your dick off in the struggle.”
“I’m excited to see how much fight she’s got in her.” Doc isn’t going down easy, and I love the idea of fighting my way into her body. I also like the idea of her biting me, maybe not my cock, but a few marks from her on my body would be nice to see. I could rub my fingers over them as I jerked off, thinking about all the things we did to her.
“I have a feeling she won’t break so easy.”
We smile at one another as we approach the medical wing. Once we enter, we pass the desk and I give the two guards there a chin lift as they buzz us in. Ridge leans over and passes them a manila envelope filled with hundred-dollar bills. Some people might think it’s crazy to spend thousands for an hour of alone time with a woman, but in prison, pussy is almost unheard of, so you’ve got to pay up. Plus, there isn't an amount I wouldn’t pay to have her all to ourselves. Even if it’s only for an hour.
We found out the two guards manning the desk had some extracurricular activities that left them a little light in the wallet. That’s what happens when you think you're in love with a stripper or like gambling a little too much. So Ridge and I decided to use that information to our advantage. All it took was a few conversations, and we got the green light.
Pushing the cart through the doors, I look back over my shoulder and watch the guards heading out. So far everything is going to plan and we’re another step closer.
When we reach the end of the hall, there’s a small desk in the back with two more guards. These two were a little harder to bribe, and I think it’s because they’ve gotten to know the Doc and feel some kind of sympathy for her. But say a dollar amount high enough and people suddenly lose their morals.
Ridge grabs the next envelope and passes it over the desk. One of the guards snatches it up. The other looks at us and then looks at the back exam room door, no doubt thinking about the doctor on the other side and what’s about to happen to her. I can see a look of apprehension cross his face, but we’ve planned for this.
You don’t spend this kind of money and orchestrate this kind of plan, and not have a backup for your backup. Always be five moves ahead.
I pull out the third envelope and slowly slide it across the counter to the guards. “A little bonus for you guys. Just to make sure everything goes as planned.”
The reluctant guard takes the envelope and looks inside. Suddenly he’s not so reluctant anymore. “One hour, and there won’t be any interruptions,” he says confidently, as the two of them make their way out of the wing, bolting the doors behind us.
I look over at Ridge, and he gives me a nod. It’s time.
I walk over to her door and stand in front of it. She’s got it locked, but it won’t be for long. I take a deep breath and on the exhale, raise my leg up and with all my strength kick in the door, busting it wide open, the crack of the hinges bouncing off the cold concrete walls.
Immediately I hear the doctor scream as Ridge and I run in the room. The room is big, with the exam table sitting in the middle. I look around, see where the camera is and know we’re already on a countdown.
“We’re on the clock,” I say, as Ridge moves a desk in front of the door. It’s probably unnecessary, but just in case we have an interruption, we get a warning.
I look over and see Doc Charlotte has pressed herself into the corner. I feel a wicked smile cross my face, seeing her so scared and vulnerable.
“Well, hello there, pretty thing. We don’t have a lot of time for romance so I’ll cut to the chase. You’re going to take off your clothes, show us your holes, and let us fuck them until we’re done. Then you’re going to put your clothes back on and go back to what you were doing and not say a word to anyone. Sound like a good plan to you?”
“Oh God, please don’t do this! Guards!” she screams again, pushing herself further against the wall.
Ridge walks up beside me and starts to laugh. “That’s it, baby, scream. I want you to get loud. Fuck, it makes my dick drip for you. Go ahead and yell out ‘Ridge’ too, while you’re at it.”
She looks around the room, like she’s searching for a weapon, and it’s time to shut that down. In three quick strides I’m in front of her. Reaching down, I grab her upper arm, pulling her to her feet and over to the exam table. Her vanilla scent fills my lungs, making my mouth water.