Page 112 of Puck Yes
My outfit looks good, but I’m still not feeling it. I study myself in the mirror, trying to get dressed for game night. It’s not the jeans or the floral top. They match. Maybe I need an extra necklace?
I open the jewelry box on my bureau and take out a chain with a moon pendant, adding it to the star necklace I’m already wearing.
As I clasp it on, Jackson pops into my room, whistling his outfit approval. “Don’t you look gorgeous, girlie? Where are you going, and why are you never available for me anymore?”
I check him out. He’s dressed up and looking fine. “You’re busy all the time, too, with the new man in your life.”
“And you with your men.”
I smile, but it doesn’t reach my eyes.
Jackson knows what’s going on behind the scenes. He has ever since my Vegas wedding. He’s my roommate, and I wouldn’t keep that from him as my friend, anyway. But it doesn’t feel right to put on my best jeans, some cute shoes, these twin necklaces, and then to head out with Hayes to see the other wives and girlfriends, husbands and boyfriends. Just like it felt wrong yesterday to show up at the golf event as Mrs. Armstrong when I’m not that person.
“I’m going to a game night with Hayes,” I answer at last. Yep. Sounds as wrong as it feels.
“Let me adjust those necklaces for you.” Jackson straightens them out, and then gives me a kiss on the cheek before looking me up and down with some concern. “Are you okay?”
He noticed. My stomach churns. “I have some things on my mind,” I admit, a little relieved to voice it.
“I can tell. Anything I can help you with?”
That’s a good question. But I think the answer’s coming into view. It’s sharpening by the minute. “Thanks, but I think there’s something I need to do tonight.” I’m nervous, but mostly, I’m certain.
“Can’t wait for all the details,” he tells me. Then he heads out on his own date, and I return to my bedroom, where Roxy is sound asleep on my bed, lying on her back with all four little legs sticking up in the air. She looks so content with her life. She is who she is, without question.
I move around, and she opens one eye.
“What do you think? Should I do it?” I ask her.
She unleashes a huge yawn then curls into a ball, returning to the land of dog nod.
But really, I know the answer. Yesterday I felt it deep in my soul. Soon, I’ll say it out loud.
I finish getting ready, and I’m about to head upstairs to gather Hayes and tell him about a change of plans when there’s one loud knock at my door.
Then another.
This knock sounds demanding.
* * *
I’m shaking with rage as I read the email in my living room.
I stare at this stupid note, my thumb cramping, my blood boiling. “I can’t believe he sent you this,” I say, gripping the phone to keep from chucking it at the wall.
Or, better, at Xander’s stupid face. I’m more livid than I was when I learned he was marrying my ex-boss. Than when he dumped me for an upgrade. Than when I discovered he’d been cheating.
This is ten million times worse.
Next to me, Hayes clenches his fists, fuming. He and Stefan had arrived at my door almost simultaneously. “I’m going to find him right now,” he grits out.
As much as I relish the thought, I won’t let Hayes do that. I grab his arm, trying to settle him with touch. “You’re not.”
“I want to,” he hisses.
“Same here. But it’s pointless,” Stefan says heavily. There’s darkness in his light blue eyes, like looming thunderclouds. But there’s fire roaring in me, enough for both of us.All of us.
I read the email again as Stefan walks away from the center of the living room, toward the window streaked with rain.