Page 24 of Pregnant by My Best Friend's Dad
“What do you think is going to happen to my mom?” I ask Ed in a low voice. We’re currently seated in his living room, sipping mugs of hot tea.
His look is somber.
“I don’t know, honey. She might be charged with battery and assault, although I’m not sure the DA would prosecute. After all, Steve wasn’t hurt very badly. Sure, there was a lot of blood but it’s because he had a thin laceration on his scalp, and those always bleed like a motherfucker. Otherwise, he’s fine.”
I sip at my tea, trying to get the liquid to go down over the lump in my throat.
“But do you think my mom will go to jail?”
Ed shakes his dark head, leaning over to take one of my small hands in his, before squeezing.
“Again, I doubt the DA is going to prosecute. But I also think that’s the last thing your mom cares about, honey. Sandra is worried about you. You’re her only daughter, and she came down on Steve like a harpy out for revenge. She was calling him epithets, and cursing him out like none other.”
I nod slowly.
“My mom loves me,” I whisper as tears jump to my eyes again. “That I’ve never doubted. You heard what she said about trying to keep me out of the house while I was growing up. She knew her husband had unclean desires, and she wanted to protect me. But why did Sandra get married to him in the first place? I just don’t get it. We could have survived without Steve. I know that my mom doesn’t make much salary-wise, but it’s better than putting up with him!”
Ed shakes his dark head, his blue eyes sympathetic.
“I don’t know, Kimber. You’ll have to ask your mom that. But regardless, it’s good to know that Sandra loves you more than anything and anyone, and that you’re her number one priority, and always have been.” Then, the older man pauses to take a deep breath as his eyes turn a darker shade of blue. “Also, I want you to know that I love you too, baby. My life flashed before my eyes when I saw Steve pull out that gun, but I wasn’t afraid for me. I was afraid for you, sweetheart. I don’t know what I would have done if you’d been injured, or god forbid, killed.”
My eyes fill with tears as I stare at the handsome man.
“Do you really mean that?”
Ed nods, pulling me close.
“Absolutely, honey. I love you, Kimber, more than life itself. There’s no way I could go on living without you.”
That makes me laugh a little.
“Surely you jest,” I say with a half-smile, looking up into his handsome features. “You got along just fine before we started dating, so that’s a heightened statement.”
But Ed’s serious as he shakes his head, blue eyes almost black now.
“No, it’s not. I would kill myself if I lost you, Kimber. I love you, and I want everyone to know. No more sneaking around. No more pretending. We’re telling everyone, including your mother and my daughter, that we’re a couple.”
My heart leaps because this is what I want too, even if I’ve never verbalized it. I nod before leaning in to press my lips to his sculpted ones, my pulse thrumming like a hummingbird’s wings.
“I agree,” I whisper. “Because I love you too, Ed Ventura. You saved my life, and I wouldn’t be here without you. Thank you for being you, and for loving me.”
With that, our lips lock in a harmony of bliss, but before the embrace can get carried away, I pull away with a hesitant look.
“But Ed, what was that letter on your desk I saw?”
His brows beetle.
“What letter?”
“The one from the medical group for your vasectomy,” I say in a low voice. “Is it true? Are you getting a vasectomy?”
He looks confused for a moment, but then shakes his head.
“No, sweetheart. I was going to get a vasectomy, and probably scheduled that appointment a year ago. But it was all before I met you, and knowing how much you want to be a mother, there’s no way I’m going through with the vasectomy now because I want you to be the mother of my babies,” he says in a fierce voice, his gaze burning me up from the inside out. “Only you, Kimber. You’re the perfect mommy for our future children.”
I melt into the alpha male’s embrace then because this is where I was meant to be. Maybe we met during a breeding party at a dirty sex club, but it’s funny how life turns out. Now, I’m firmly in a relationship with my so-called breeder … and hopefully, we’ll have dozens of children in the future.
“Girlfriend, you are so huge!” Jamie squeals as she looks at my tummy. “Seriously, do you have twins in your belly?”