Page 13 of Pregnant by My Best Friend's Dad
I wince a bit while shutting the locker door. My pussy’s achy and sore, which isn’t so strange given that I just had sex with three men an hour ago.
It was insane. Amanda put a mask on me, and then unseen attendants stripped me bare as I was buffed, waxed, and polished to a sheen. Then, I was led into a small room and hog-tied. Yes, they literally immobilized me with ropes, and it felt so wrong, but also incredibly delicious too. After all, I was there to pleasure three huge, hung men, and they delivered. I got three full loads in my pussy, and even now after a long, hot shower, I can still feel the seed in my most secret spot.
But the most unexpected part is that my mask slipped. I guess it’s not that weird because the three guys were using my body hard, but somehow the cloth came untied a bit, and I looked up to see a huge, handsome man feeding me his dick. Not only that, but I know him too. He’s Ed Ventura, my friend Jamie’s dad.
I’ve met Ed before. He’s older, of course, but he’s a handsome silver fox and really, all the women in our small town know Ed. There aren’t exactly tons of billionaire venture capitalists roaming around Hooper, Wyoming, so Ed’s always been hot property among the divorced set. He hasn’t exactly been celibate either. Of course, Jamie didn’t like talking about it, but there were a couple times when her dad came home with a beautiful woman on his arm. They’d say hi and everything, and then go upstairs to the master suite where Ed took his dates hard. We could hear screams and wails of pleasure, and not only that, but sometimes, his date would come down for breakfast the next morning too. She inevitably had a dazed look about her, and there was this one girl who even had crusted semen around her mouth. Yes, it was that terrible. Obviously, Jamie ignored it because how do you handle a situation like that? It was her dad’s baby batter on the woman’s face, and neither of us had the courage to say anything.
But Ed Ventura’s never paid any attention to me. He was always Jamie’s dad, and besides, during high school, I was easy to overlook. I was a scrawny thing back then, with frizzy brown hair and a smattering of acne. It was only after I went to college that my skin cleared up, I got curves, and bought my first Dyson hairdryer. I swear, that thing was so expensive but it was worth every penny because I was able to blow-out my hair into smooth, shiny waves instead of sporting the ratted tangle I had before. Boys started to look, and of course, I reveled in the attention. As I mentioned previously, my friend Ellen and I did gang-bangs with a couple frat boys in the Coleman school pool, and a good time was had by all.
But now, the shit has hit the fan because Ed Ventura looked me straight in the eye as he fed me his dick. He did more than feed, actually. He teased his dicktip along my lips, as if applying lipstick, and then slowly inched the throbbing shaft into my mouth, groaning throatily all the while.
I sucked his hardness eagerly. It had a strange, tangy taste which I understand is the flavor of my anus, and while being gross, it also turned me on. I loved knowing that I was sampling the taboo, and having three alpha males lead the way only made me want it more.
It’s that other dude who climbed up behind Ed who ruined everything. I don’t know what he was thinking. Or rather I do, because that guy squatted over my belly, and then began fucking my ta-tas. My breasts are huge, creamy, and jiggly, so I get it. They’re a turn-on for dudes. But this guy was particularly vigorous as he thrust between my tits, and my blindfold came loose with the first rough push.
Time came to a standstill. I blinked, dazed, as Ed and I stared at each other, his cock still buried between my lips. I let out a muffled gurgle, but the older man moved fast. Even as harsh streaks appeared on his cheekbones, he twitched my mask back in place and then pushed even deeper into my throat.
“That a girl,” he rasped. “Mmm, I love seeing a girl enjoy cock.”
I sucked hard, even as inside, I quivered with fear because now my secret’s out. Someone in the little town of Hooper knows that I was bred, so what do I do? Will Ed tell my parents? Will Sandra faint when she finds out what I’ve done? I love my mom, and I don’t want to hurt her in any way. I’d never forgive myself, when she’s already done so much for me.