Page 89 of The Taken Series (1-3)
I pull back his covers and we both climb in. I sing him a soft lullaby and his eyes drift closed. His light brown hair falls in his eyes, and I push the strands off his forehead.
We lay in silence once my song has ended, and his breathing is soft and slow. He’s asleep.
A knock at the door startles me a few minutes later, or I think it’s a few minutes later.
I move through the hallway, trying my best to smooth down my hair from the sleep I was gently pulled under.
“One second,” I say to the door, staring at the mirror before checking the peephole.
I open the door. “Why are you here so late?”
“It’s not even ten pm yet.”
Well, it feels late. “Come on in,” I say, remembering my manners. I shake off the last bit of sleep as I open the door wider for him to step through.
“I’ve come by to...”
I hold up my hand. “I’m sure I know why you’re here. You can tell him I have his papers and we can go ahead with this ridiculous marriage thing.”
He laughs, his smile spreading from cheek to cheek. “I’m sure Gabriel will be pleased to hear that.”
I cross my arms. “I don’t really care all too much about pleasinghim.”
He rubs the back of his neck as he moves into the living room. “I know what you mean.”
“Do you? You’re not the one forced into this stupid…” Ugh, I can’t even get the words out. And I shouldn’t be taking this resentment out on Ronin. Even though he’s bred from the same cloth, it isn’t his fault I’m where I am now.
“No, listen. I get it. That’s why I came over.” He pauses before continuing, “I just wanted to make sure you’re alright.” He steps closer, real concern lacing the edges of his eyes.
I shoo the notion away that anything could ever be anything but alright. “I’m fine.”
He stares at me. “Are you really, though?”
I sigh. “I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.”
This earns me a soft chuckle from Ronin. “It’s been a long time since I saw you. I guess the last time was when I picked up Savannah…” He stops talking.
Tears well in my eyes at the mere implication of Savannah’s absence. It’s been years, but it still feels like yesterday.
He changes the subject. “I see you have a son now. How’d that happen?”
I smile, knowing full well he’s not asking about the actual biological way that children are made. “Just one of those things,” I say with a shrug.
“Listen, I know you don’t want to marry Gabriel. He can be…”
“Daunting?” I finish for him.
He cracks a sly grin. “I was going to say demanding, but sure, daunting works too. I know he can be all the things you will probably hate. And I know my grandfather is a sick fuck. But, think of the money, Clem. Think about your future.”
I’ve already thought about it over and over. And I know I am going to say yes. I just keep hoping somehow something will change. A Hail Mary. A new plan where we can get out of this mess.
I thought this was the 21st century. I didn’t think things like arranged marriages happened anymore. And screw Joseph Prince for having the upper hand over my future.
“I’ve already signed the contract,” I say.