Page 84 of The Taken Series (1-3)
“Let’s just sign the papers and get this over with. I can see the room on our wedding night.”
She leaves before I can tell her she will indeed have her own, and I follow behind her, enjoying the sway of her hips, and the slight bounce of her tight ass as she walks. Her hair is long, past her shoulder blades, and I imagine wrapping it through my fingers.
I think back to when she came over as a teenager. Her father, the head groundskeeper, was working late for my grandfather. Clementine entered into the foyer, giggling at something Ronin was saying. She had tiny freckles on her nose.
She doesn’t have them anymore.
We head back downstairs to the study in silence.
“Take a seat,” I say, moving to my chair behind my desk.
She crosses the floor to sit in a lavender wing-back chair. “I talked to a lawyer.”
“That’s cute.”
She fiddles with her hands in her lap. “Well, I’d like for someone to be here when I sign the papers.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose. “It’s a marriage, Clementine. You’re acting like you’re signing your life away.”
Her eyes slam into mine with a fiery intensity. “Well, I practically am.”
I push off my desk, taking the few steps to end up right in front of her. I lean over, placing both hands on the armrests of her chair, our noses almost touching. “You couldn’t ask for a better life than with me.”
“Someone’s cocky.”
“Not cocky—confident.” She should be down on her knees.
Images of Clementine on her knees in front of me, my hands wrapping into her soft curls as her pretty mouth takes my cock deep down her throat, slam into my mind as I stare at her uneasiness.
I step back, trying my best to stay on topic.
She shifts in her chair. “Also, I want to ease Tennyson into this. I don’t want him to become attached.”
For the first time, I feel guilt. “That I can understand.”
She nods, but doesn’t say a word. I’m not as big a monster as she thinks I am.
“When do it?” Her eyes are bright and wide.
The thoughts of her before me on her knees slam back into my brain. “Do it? Like sex?”
She stands in a rush from her chair. “No, not sex. I meant when do we get married? I will never have sex with you.”
I smirk. “Never say never.”
She folds her arms against her chest with a menacing scowl. “Never.”
I have to laugh to myself at her boldness, and unwavering resolve. She’s feisty, and it pumps my blood south to my dick.
“To answer your previous question, we’ll be married as soon as you sign the papers.”
“Like I said, I want to ease Tenny into this.”
“As you wish.” I hold a pen out to her.
She takes the Montblanc from me. “I’m going to take these home and read over them,” she places the pen on the desk and gathers the contract. “I’d be a fool not to.”
“You have twenty-four hours to sign them.”