Page 55 of The Taken Series (1-3)
“Ian say anything else?”
I nod. “Our flushing out is working well. DeLaurio is in LA, but I told Ian not to bother and told him our next destination.”
“Did he think you were lying?”
I shrug. “I guess we’ll find out.”
“How’s Rhiannon?”
I shift in my seat. “She’s fine,” I clip out. I’ve avoided Rhiannon all day, not checking on her at all. For all I know, she could have escaped again.
“You sure?” The look on his face says he knows something, but I won’t lead on that anything has happened. It was a one-time ordeal. It won’t happen again.
I could sit here all night long and beat myself up for having sex with her, but I won’t. “Yeah, everything’s fine.”
He stands. “Just be careful with her.”
“I know what I’m doing.”
“Sure. I’m going back to work.”
When he leaves, a fucked up thought hits me. She’ll be gone soon, so maybe I should enjoy the sweet feel of her while I can. Does that make me an asshole? If it does, then brand it on my chest, because, honestly, I don’t think I can quit her now that I’ve been deep inside her.
Chapter 27
I should be ashamed. But, I'm not. Any silly fantasy I’ve ever had as a kid about Xavier was outdone by the real deal. Hell, any sexual experience I’ve ever had in my life has been outdone.
It deserves a shrine. He deserves a shrine. Or a church for people to come and worship him daily. I would attend, every damn day.
Clearly, I need an exorcism. My feelings for Xavier swirl in confusion. If everyone is going to use me, then why can't I get something from it? But that's a lie I tell myself to make me feel better, because today when he treated me like I had the plague, it hurt. I almost made him a card that said, ‘Thanks for the screw,’ but instead I’ve moped.
Feeling defeated, I drop down in the oversized armchair that's become my very own chestnut tree to sit and think instead of clawing my way through these walls. I mean, what do I think the outcome is going to be here? My magical hooha is going to erase years of hatred, and he's suddenly going to realizehe'sthe real prisoner here, shutting himself off from anything but revenge.
No, the chances of that happening are as slim as snow in Florida. This situation is so bizarre; one minute he’s doing nice things, and the next I’m trying to escape.
Which, I still plan on. Even though Xavier thinks he’s devised some brilliant plan, I’m not sure he really knows who he’s dealing with. And not just my father—Ian. Saint Ian, that’s what I like to call him. He sure has the wool pulled over everyone’s eyes. He gives to charity, acts like the nicest man around, praising and sharing himself, but behind closed doors he’s sabotaging those very people he acts like he helps.
It’s disgusting.
Although, if Ian’s a saint, then my father’s the pope. Everyone bowing down to kiss his gaudy pinky ring.
A knock sounds at the door, and I sink back further in my chair, wanting to disappear into the soft fabric.
“I’m here to help make you even more beautiful,” Krista’s sweet voice sounds through the room. “Xavier says to wear the blue gown tonight.”
“I guess he forgot to mention he had another event he needed to use me at.” I prop my head in my hand, not wanting to leave this chair, and tuck my legs under me, sighing heavily.
She stops in front of me and takes a seat on the ottoman.
“Listen,” her voice drops to a whisper, “I’m not going to make excuses for him or pretend I know what's going on, but you can't give up.” She leans in a little closer. “I see the way he looks at you. You are more to him than you realize. Do what you need to do.”
I want to believe her. I don’t want to be this droopy-owled naive girl who lusts after her captor.
The escape attempts aren’t working, so maybe it’s time for a new tactic. A new challenge. Maybe, and it's a big maybe, I can seduce the truth out of him.
Or use my body as a tool to help me get the information to Xavier’s ‘plan’ for myself.