Page 198 of The Taken Series (1-3)
We spend the next half hour meeting all the dogs here at this rescue. Savannah’s eyes light up as she plays with a few. She hasn’t let go of the little white ball of puff at her side.
“I think Tenny would love him.”
“Maybe we can come back tomorrow and adopt him.”
She smiles wide. “We can even bring Tenny.”
I nod, feeling like this is a very family kind of thing to do. I never thought I’d ever get married, or be in a type of serious relationship after Savannah died. But now, seeing her, feeling her, knowing I can have her for the rest of my life if she’d have me, there’s hope.
She kisses the puppy’s nose and puts him back in the cage, giving him promises that she’ll be back with someone very important tomorrow.
Chapter Five
The next day I wake up bright and early. I talked to Gabriel and Clementine last night about getting the puppy and they were both very much on board with it.
So, today Ronin, Tennyson and I will go and pick up Baxter.
“Ready?” Ronin asks Tenny and I after we’ve had our breakfast.
I glance at Tenny, his big eyes staring at me.
“It’s time for a surprise?”
I laugh. “Yes, it’s time for the big surprise.”
Ronin leads us out to where the car waits for us, and we all pile into the back. The driver, Mayer, smiles and starts up the engine.
He already knows where we’re going, so as not to say anything to Tennyson.
Tennyson wiggles in his car seat, excited to be getting a surprise. The whole ride to the shelter he tries to get Ronin and I to tell him. I love how well Tennyson and Ronin get along. They’ve grown close over the last few months. We all have.
I didn’t realize how much I’d missed not being close to Clementine and Tennyson everyday. And I’m almost upset with myself that I had to fake my own death, but then I remember I need to be upset with Bishop, not me.
We arrive at the shelter, and Ronin leads us inside.
Tennyson jumps up and down. “I get to play with puppies all day?”
I grab his hand. “Well, sort of.”
We enter through the front doors this time, and head to the lady standing behind the white counter.
“Ronin,” she says with a smile. “We’ve got him all ready for you.”
Ronin had called the shelter earlier to make sure no one came and snatched the puppy up before we could get here today.
We step forward as we wait for the lady to fetch Baxter. I can see the excitement all over Tenny’s face. He’ll be so happy.
I feel like I’m making up for lost time with my son. It’s almost selfish of me in a way, but I can’t help it. I love him so much and not a single day has gone by that I haven’t wished for a day just like this.
The lady has the little bundle of joy in her hands, and Tenny leaps forward, wanting to pet the dog.
It’s like Baxter can sense that Tenny will be his forever best friend because he’s practically leaping out of the woman’s arms.
She walks the two of them over to a small play area where she can set Baxter down. Baxter leaps into Tenny’s arms immediately and licks his face.