Page 18 of The Taken Series (1-3)
His poison flows through my veins, immobilizing me in the small leather chair designed to make the occupant feel insignificant.
I don't doubt for a second, he means what he says. He’s notorious for his lessons. “I will get a car, and I will come and go as I please. Those are my terms.”
I reach in my handbag and pull out the card I've been holding for him: a picture of an oversized grapefruit and a smaller one beside it, with the inside saying, ‘Thanks, Dad. I’m eternally grapefruit.’
Chapter 9
2 years later
It's time.
Rhiannon looks over her shoulder and slings a small black suitcase in the back of her cherry red Tesla. If the situation were different, I'd probably commend her for her car choice. Not because it reminds me of the color of her hair, but because it was so easy for my men to put a tracking device underneath. Too fucking easy. Her father should rethink who he lets in his organization.
He should rethink everything.
“Follow her,” I order my driver as she pulls away from Delilah’s house.
“Yes, sir,” he says, easing out of our spot across from the large brick home.
Many years have led to this moment.
I'll find my own form of justice: revenge.
Chapter 10
I’m almost free.
Away from my father and the chains he’s trying to keep on me.
Tires screech, a black car cuts me off on the two-lane road in the middle of nowhere. My seatbelt locks when I slam on the brakes to avoid crashing. Thirty minutes. Thirty minutes away is as far as I got from my doomed future.
The black car in front of me stops, and I squint to get a better look.
A tall man exits the back seat, and I grab the pepper spray from my purse.
My heart slams against my chest as I watch the shadowy figure draw closer. With nowhere to go, or anything to defend myself with, I clutch onto the spray in my hand.
The door is locked, thank God, and I breathe a tiny sigh of relief. Very tiny. The man gets closer, and believe me, if I could run him over, I would. But, there’s no room for it since another car is behind me.
Tap. Tap. Tap, on my window.
I look straight forward.
“Rhiannon,” I hear a man say through the glass, and it takes me a moment to recognize the voice calling my name.
And that’s when I turn toward the sound, glance up, and stare into the glacial blue eyes of a ghost.
It took me a lifetime to fall in love, and a moment to fall out. Right now, on my knees, in front of my former best friend, is when I fall out. I hate him.
He crashes his fist through my window, and I slam him with my door.
Red trickles from his knuckle down his fingertip, forming a red teardrop that falls on the tip of his designer shoe. It splatters and spreads, oozing like paint across the glossy black leather. Such a shame his five hundred-dollar shoes are ruined.
I breathe through my nose, trying not to faint at the sight of the crimson red.