Page 163 of The Taken Series (1-3)
Gabriel breaks the kiss. “Is everything ok?” He stares at me like he can fix all the broken pieces. And I wish he could.
He might be able to if I opened up to him.
“I was just thinking about everything.”
“Clementine, I’m sorry for it all. I’m sorry my grandfather dragged you into my life.”
I sit on my knees, my hands clasping Gabriel’s face. “No, I’m sorry he draggedyouinto it.” Gabriel is the unsuspecting innocent party here. His only contribution is the wealth he holds. And the empire he holds so dear. That’s his collateral.
I know what I need to do now. “We should head back to Colorado,” I tell him.
He stands and grabs his shorts, sliding them on. “Yeah, we’ve been gone for a while.”
And all I can think is we haven’t been gone long enough. I don’t want to leave this hidden paradise with him. I don’t want to leave him.
I know he’ll be my husband soon, but that’sifwe ever make it down the aisle.
Either way, forever is not in the cards for us. Forever will never be in the cards for us, because I don’t have forever to give to him.
I find my suit and get dressed while Gabriel gets the kayak ready. The sky turns dark with a storm brewing off the coast.
“We need to hurry,” Gabriel says as we push the kayak off the shore.
I paddle as hard and as fast as I can, but I don’t think we’ll make it back to the sailboat before it rains.
Somehow, by the luck of fate we make it back to the boat just as the first drop of rain touches my forehead.
We move down into the cabin as the rain falls heavier, and I head into the bathroom to shower and change. As I’m shampooing my hair, the bathroom door opens, and Gabriel steps in.
He opens the glass shower door, and removes his clothes. “You seemed so...something. After we had sex, you seemed sad,” he tells me as he moves under the spray with me. “And I just can’t help to think I’m to blame for making you sad. And I can’t live with myself if I have.” His solemn face inches closer to mine and I reach my arms around his neck.
I kiss his lips and then stare up into his eyes. “You’re one of the only things in my life that doesn’t make me sad.”
He leans his forehead against mine, his words melting my heart, “I just want to make you happy.” And then he kisses me with more passion than my body can fathom.
It lights every cell, every nerve, everything on fire.
I’m a bad liar trying my best to pretend this man doesn’t affect me the way he does. Who am I kidding?
I could never not want him. And it’s not just his looks. He’s kind. And the way he is with Tennyson melts my heart.
I can’t stand to be inside my own head anymore, so I let Gabriel help me escape. I welcome his touch. I enjoy his lips on my heated skin. I beg this man to take me again in the shower, letting him wash away all of my sins.
And I don’t lie to him when I ask him to make love to me.
I don’t lie when I tell him he’s the best I’ve ever had.
And I will never lie to him when I beg him for more.
Gabriel gives me everything I’ve ever wanted here in this shower, making me feel like we could somehow beat the odds and be together forever.
Even though, it’s probably the biggest lie I’ve ever told myself, I believe it for right now. I believe the lie when he kisses me and tells me he’s never wanted anyone as badly as me.
I believe him when he tells me he can’t wait to make me his wife.
And I want to believe him when he promises me forever with him by my side.
It’s a fantasy I will forever hold close to my heart.