Page 156 of The Taken Series (1-3)
Faye enters at the same time as me, giving Tennyson a high-five when he stops dancing.
“What’s on the agenda today?” I ask them.
“Beach,” Tennyson says.
“We went to the beach yesterday, Tenny,” Clementine says. “Don’t you want to see the island?”
“No, beach.” He folds his arms across his tiny chest and pouts.
“I can stay with him today if the two of you would like to explore,” Faye offers, pouring orange juice.
Clementine glances over at me. “I guess that would be ok?”
I move into the kitchen, wanting more than anything to wrap my arms around Clementine and give her a good morning kiss. Totally inappropriate with all the people in the kitchen, but it’s still something I can’t stop thinking about.
“We won’t be gone long,” I tell Faye as Clementine hands me a plate with two golden pancakes. “Who made these?” I ask Tennyson.
He giggles. “Me. I made them.”
The four of us sit down together to eat breakfast, and I can’t believe we’re sitting here, eating and laughing, as if I didn’t just fuck Clementine hours before. It’s like what happened at the club last night is long forgotten, and she’s focused on the future.
I won’t lie, it makes me fucking sad she could forget something so epic so easily. Personally, I won’t be forgetting the way she felt anytime soon.
In fact, it’s going to be something I hold onto long after this marriage has ended, and I’m a bitter old man.
“I figured we could go check out Henley Cay,” I say, staring at Clementine.
She smiles. “That sounds perfect.”
After breakfast is cleaned and put away, Clementine and I help get Tennyson ready for a fun day at the beach.
“Please call if you need anything,” Clementine says to Faye.
“Don’t worry. I know how to get ahold of you both if anything happens.” She smiles. “Now go have fun.”
“I almost feel guilty for leaving Tenny today,” Clementine says once we’re in the SUV.
“Don’t. He’ll have a blast with Faye.”
“Yeah. He really likes her.” Clementine scoots closer as our driver heads through the streets to the marina. The streets are narrow, packed with tall buildings and people. Most likely tourists shopping for special deals on all things tropical. But, being the weekend, there’s a certain vibe on the island today. Like everyone’s on holiday looking to have a good time.
Greenery stretches beyond the uneven streets, and just a bit further than that is the ocean. So big. So fucking blue.
The driver parks along the marina and there are white boats for as far as the eye can see. But, there isoneboat that stands out amongst the rest.
“Don’t tell me that one is yours,” Clementine says, pointing out the window at the behemoth sailboat towering over all the others. It floats like Goliath, intimidating all the tiny boats in its path.
I smile with pride. “Yep, sure is.”
“Of course, it is. When’s the last time you were on it?”
She’s got me there. I haven’t been to this island in many years. Since before my grandfather got sick.
“I hate to admit, it’s been a long time.”
“I’m sure you’ve brought many women here in the past.” Her accusation stings a little, mainly because she’s so wrong. And she has no idea how wrong she is.
“I’ve never brought anyone here.”