Page 120 of The Taken Series (1-3)
As the car pulls away, I settle back against the soft leather seat. “Safety is always a priority when I go out.” I point to the minibar. “Want something to drink.”
She shakes her head. “Better not. I don’t want to be drunk before we even arrive.”
“Speaking of...when we get there, I’d like us to pretend to be a couple in love.”
Her eyes narrow. “We can be in love and not have to be all over each other the whole night, right?”
I smile. “Yes, we’re not teenagers. And it’s not acceptable to be making out like we’re in the back of the roller rink on free skate night. But, if I place my hand on your back, or lean in for a kiss on the cheek, I want to make sure you’re not going to slap me.”
She holds up a hand. “I won’t slap you, Scout’s honor.”
I laugh at how cute she is. “You were never a Scout.”
She shrugs. “I was a Brownie.”
I raise a brow. “I thought that was a dessert.”
She laughs and it fills the limo, sending something I can’t quite identify racing up my spine. “It’s also the name of troops before they’re old enough to become a full-fledged Girl Scout.”
I smile at her. “I take it back. I guess you are a Scout.”
Stefan pulls away from the estate, heading downtown toward the charity gala. Usually, I show up for these events alone, make my donation, and head home. I’ve never been one to stay long, or mingle and bullshit with the rest of the elite in this town. I know I have a part to play. Being this wealthy comes with obligations, and being a Prince comes with even more. But, the truth is, these parties bore the fuck out of me. And there’s a small part of me that’s kind of happy I have someone to go with. A very small part of me.
“Did you enjoy your shopping today?” I ask her.
Clementine’s honey-colored eyes light up to a brighter shade of yellowish-brown. She really does have some amazing eyes. Like brown met green in an explosion of yellows and honey.
“I did.”
“Did you buy anything else besides the dress?”
She lifts her leg just enough to show off her sexy shoes. “These.”
I almost want to put her leg in my lap, take the shoe off and begin a journey of my hand up her silky skin. But, I don’t. I glance out the car window, as if watching the passing trees is so much more interesting than her. “Anything else?”
“I got a pair for Erin. And bought Tenny a kite.”
I turn back to her. “A kite? Why?”
“Why not?”
“I just figured kids his age liked toys more.”
“Have you ever even flown a kite?”
“I have. That’s what started my love for flying drones.”
“And here I thought you didn’t love anything.”
I fold my arms across my chest. “Why would you think that?”
Her eyes meet mine. “Well, just how you are, I guess. You’re always brooding and moody.”
I laugh. “Is that how you see me?”