Page 106 of The Taken Series (1-3)
“Remember I told you how we’d be staying here?” I know once he sees his new room he’ll no longer care why we’re staying here.
When I pull into the circular drive, Gabriel stands outside, wearing jeans and a black button down dress shirt.
His arms are crossed over his broad chest, and his eyes watch me. His stare is always so penetrating, like he can read my mind and see into my soul all at the same time.
I park the car, turn off the ignition, and step out. I open the door for Tennyson, and unbuckle him from his car seat. He runs toward Gabriel.
“We’re staying here,” Tenny says over and over as he bounces around with his yellow blankie held tight to him.
“Hi,” I say to Gabriel as I open the trunk of the car.
“Leave it,” he says. “I’ll have my men bring in your things. And I can introduce you to the staff.”
“Oh, ok.” I walk away from the car, taking Tennyson’s hand in mine on my way to the front door. “Lead the way.”
Gabriel steps aside to let us enter the front door, and when I do, there’s a line of people standing in the foyer.
“This is Stefan.” Gabriel clasps the shoulder of a tall man with light brown hair. “He’s my driver, and he’ll be driving us when we’re together.” Stefan smiles a warm smile, and I shake his outstretched hand.
“Hello, Stefan.”
Gabriel moves to the man standing next to Stefan. He’s shorter, a little older, with a balding spot on top of his head. “This is Mayer, he’ll be your driver. He’ll take you anywhere you need to go.”
“Oh, well I have a car and don’t mind driving myself.”
Gabriel’s dark eyes meet mine. “Clementine, my wife doesn’t drive herself.”
“Fine.” Pick your battles, I tell myself. I shake Mayer’s hand, and try to remember the names as Gabriel introduces me to more people. June, the head housekeeper. Sarah, the head chef.
“And this is Amy. She runs the house.” He motions toward the petite brown-haired woman with a no funny-business type smile.
“Hi, Amy.” I shake her hand.
There’s a few other housekeepers and workers he introduces me to, and by the end of it my head spins.
“Let’s get Tennyson to his room.” He steps closer to an older woman with kind grey eyes. “This is Faye. She’ll be Tennyson’s nanny.”
“Nanny?” My head shakes a bit at the idea of Tenny needing a nanny.
“She’s here to make sure Tenny is safe and well-cared for at all times.”
“Well, that’s what I do.” I meet his stare head on. “I’m his mother.”
Gabriel smiles, turning me away from the crowd of people. “I never said you weren’t a good mother. Faye is here to care for Tennyson while you’re busy being my wife.”
I cross my arms. “I didn’t realize being your wife took so much time.”
He sucks in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Clementine, this is your life now. Dinner parties, charity events, and you have a wedding to plan.”
Pick your battles. And I’m picking this one. “Fine, he can have a nanny.” I smile at Faye. “Although, my son comes before parties and charity events and wedding planning. I don’t think he’ll need her much.”
He eyes me for a moment, and then gives a nod. “Well, she’s here if needed, ok?”
We continue our trek up the marble staircase, and when Gabriel opens the door, Tenny takes off into the large room, tugging his yellow blanket at his side.
“Look, Mommy,” he says, gazing at the bed now covered with aBatmancomforter.