Page 77 of Taming Liberty
Lib’s hand brushing across my back startles me and breaks the trance. I blink and clear my throat just as Julia appears behind Samuel, wet hair blotting her T-shirt. She’s smiling in a friendly manner, but when she sees me, her smile falls and her body goes rigid.
My mind has frozen over, and my jaw feels heavy, so I don’t attempt to speak. Julia steps around Samuel, a hand lifting to her mouth.
This was a mistake.
A fucking horrible mistake.
I consider turning around and walking back to the car, leaving Lib if I have to, but Julia opens her arms and flings herself into me. My eyes widen, and I jerk with a startle as her arms wrap around me and she presses her face into my chest. I’m too stunned to hug her back.
When she pulls away, she gives her head a shake like she can’t believe what she’s seeing. “What are you doing here?”
“I…” My mouth hangs open as my gaze moves behind Julia to Samuel. He stares back at me with his eyes narrowed in what looks like confusion.
“Sam, come here.” Julia looks over her shoulder and beckons Samuel—Sam—with a wave of her arm. He trudges over to us.
“Adán! Get out here!” A boy, years younger than Samuel, pokes his head through the door then hesitantly follows his brother outside.
When they reach us, Julia gestures to me. “Boys, this is your Uncle Angel.”
The younger boy’s eyes go wide with excitement, and his lips stretch. “Uncle Angel?!” He jumps toward me, wrapping his hands around me the same way his mother did. This time, I return the hug.
Julia’s gaze moves to Lib. “I’m so sorry, I haven’t gotten your name.”
Lib smiles awkwardly and holds out her hand. “Liberty.”
Julia clasps Lib’s hand and gives a quick, friendly shake.
“Are you the dude who’s going to pay for my college?” Sam asks, his voice emotionless. I don’t think the flat tone is legitimate. He knows who I am. I can only imagine how he must feel, seeing me.
I meet his eyes, and he stares like it’s a challenge.
“Sam!” Julia admonishes. When she turns to me, she frowns. “I’m so sorry.”
I shake my head and wave it off. “It’s fine.”
“Are you going to pay for my college too?” Adán asks, his face lit up.
Julia mutters, “God help me,”in Spanish.“Okay, both of you inside. Now.”
Sam turns without any argument, but Adán’s shoulders slump, and he pouts as he looks imploringly up at his mother.
“I want to talk to Uncle Angel alone for now. You can see him in a bit.”
Adán turns to me, his lips lifting in a half-hearted smile. “You’re going to be here for a while?”
Liberty speaks for me. “We’ll be here. Hey, do you like to play video games?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Do you think I could play with you while your mom and uncle talk?”
“You play video games?” he asks, his face pinched with skepticism.
Lib gives him a crooked grin. “I guess you’ll find out.”
He considers this for a moment. “Yeah, okay, come on.” He waves his hand, then turns to scurry into the house. Lib looks back at me, and I mouth a thank you. She flicks her gaze from Julia to me and smiles, giving silent encouragement.