Page 65 of Taming Liberty
“Oh, I don’t know about that.” I don’t know why I say it. It’s an impulse when given a compliment.
I chuckle nervously.
“Could I speak to you alone, cariño?”
Angel’s hand on my back pauses, and he turns his head toward me.
I meet his eyes a moment before smiling at the woman. “Of course.”
Angel’s hand leaves me as he turns to take a step toward the door. “I’ll wait outside.”
A few seconds later, Angel’s mother and I are alone.
“Will you sit with me?” She pats the bed.
I sit on the edge of the bed and take her hand when she offers it to me.
“I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you’re here,” she says. “It’s been many years since I’ve seen my son. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t worry about him. It brings me peace to know he’s found someone who makes him happy.”
My chest squeezes, and I start to understand why Angel gave me an out. Lying to this woman feels cruel.
“Why has it been so long?” I ask, genuinely wanting to know. With all the time he spends traveling, he doesn’t visit her? I don’t have the closest relationship with my parents, but it’s hard for me to imagine years without seeing them.
Her face falls, and I catch a glimpse of pain that makes me have to fight a cringe. I shouldn’t have asked.
“I’m sorry,” I say. “I shouldn’t be nosy.”
A few seconds pass while she recovers from the stabbing I didn’t realize I was giving
her. “He hasn’t told you about us, has he?”
I shift on the bed, trying to think of something to say. It’s much harder to lie to her than it was to Luis.
“It’s all right.” She pats my hand. “I don’t blame him.”
“He’s just a really private person. He…” I don’t have any idea how to finish the sentence, so I just shut my mouth.
“He’s always been reserved,” Angel’s mother agrees. “I know that.”
“He loves you.” I turn my body more toward her, raising my leg onto the bed in the process. “I know that much.”
She nods with just a slight movement of her head.
“I’m so sorry if I’m being intrusive, please stop me if I am, but … couldyoutell me about your family? It’s hard to fully know Angel without knowing where he comes from.”
She smiles. “Be patient, cariño. I’m sure he’ll tell you when he’s ready. It isn’t my place to say what he won’t.”
“Of course.” I look down at my lap and nod.
“I’m very tired.” I move my gaze to her face in time to see her eyelids sagging. “I’m afraid I’m going to fall asleep on you. Could we speak again soon?”
“I’d like that,” I say although I know I shouldn’t. I’m not supposed to be here as it is. I wouldn’t be surprised if Angel drove me straight to … what was the guy’s name, Daniel?
After her eyes close, I gingerly lay her hand on the bed. I stand and leave the room, shutting the door quietly on the way out. Angel is leaning against the wall staring down the hallway. He must have heard me opening and closing the door, but he doesn’t acknowledge me.
After a few seconds, I tilt my head. “Angel?”
He jumps and whips his head my way.