Page 81 of Caging Liberty
When I arrive at the manor in the morning, four girls are huddled around the pool in the usual gossip spot. When one glimpses me, she shushes the others, and they all stare as I walk by.
By the looks on their faces, I can tell something’s off, but I don’t bother trying to pry it out of them. I continue inside and head upstairs to my bedroom, intent on taking a shower and changing. But when I notice Desiree and Lily whispering to each other, I pause.
They’re standing in front of their room like something’s keeping them from going in. I want to ask what’s going on, but Desiree and I have come to a silent agreement that we’re not going to acknowledge each other’s existence.
I don’t know what Angel said to her, if anything, after she set me up, but she hasn’t thrown me more than a dirty look in the month since I tried to escape.
Lily notices me, and she pokes Desiree on the shoulder and points my way. Desiree turns, and as soon as our eyes meet, a grin spreads across her face. She glances at the door, then back at me, her mischievous smile so wide, it makes her look like The Grinch.
Lily looks more nervous than anything, biting a nail and shifting from foot to foot. Her ponytail sways as she moves her head between Desiree and me.
They begin my way, Desiree taking the lead, and I consider going into my room but don’t. I can tell Desiree is about to break our unspoken agreement, and if anyone is going to tell me what’s up, it’s her. Her version of reality, at least.
“Hey,Ivy,” Desiree says, her voice sugary sweet. I don’t know whose benefit it’s for. “Just get back from the crematorium?”
My eyes narrow to slits, but I don’t say anything. You don’t have to say anything to Desiree in order for her to run her mouth.
I move my focus to Lily who gives me an apologetic smile with plenty of nervousness attached. “Is something going on?”
She opens her mouth, but Desiree cuts in. “You’d know if you weren’t whoring yourself out for special treatment.”
I flick my eyes to Desiree for the briefest second before turning back to Lily.
“It’s April,” Lily whispers like she’s afraid the walls have ears. In all fairness, they do. “She just got back.”
My eyes widen, and I go to step around the women, but Desiree takes my arm. I swing my head her way.
“She’s pretty banged up. You should probably let her rest.”
Banged up?
My stomach lurches.
“Where was she?” I ask, unable to help it when my voice raises several octaves.
Desiree smirks, and I could fucking kill her.
“She was with a new resident, Mr. J,” Lily replies, then turns to look at Desiree. “Isn’t that what you said?”
Desiree nods, never taking her eyes off me. “I believe you’ve met him, Ivy. He’s the second man who’s asked me where you were since you’ve been here.”
I nearly double over as Jasper’s face comes into my mind, and I see the predatory look in his eyes. I could only guess at the kind of sick he is.
Naomi spent a week finding out.
“This time, I had no problem obliging.” Desiree stares at me, drinking up the repulsion I’m not bothering to hide.
I’m stuck in place, wanting to run to Naomi’s room to see for myself but not moving a muscle.
“You’re lying,” I say because I want it to be true.
Desiree tilts her head, her grin not letting up. “Why would I lie about that?”
She’s right. I know she told him. He knew where I was. He knew my name.