Page 5 of Caging Liberty
“Sorry if I’ve stolen her,” I tilt my head toward Lib.
He waves it off to show it isn’t a big deal, although I can see in his rigid posture that he’s uncomfortable.
“I’m happy Sawyer had you tag along on this trip. I was actually hoping to run a few business ideas by you.”
“Of course,” I nod and glance at Lib. She stares off at nothing, her lips set in a firm line and her jaw clenched.
Robert turns to her and puts his hand on her shoulder. “Darling, could you find Mrs. Ash? She’s been hoping to talk to you all evening.” There’s a hint of condemnation in his tone that Lib must pick up on because her shoulders sag. She’s not so feisty with this guy.
She nods and turns to leave, but he touches her arm, and she pauses, looking at him expectantly.
“Don’t you want to say goodbye to my colleagues, dear?”
She swallows and looks between me and Sawyer, fire igniting in her eyes. “Bye.”
I’m a little taken aback by the shift in temperature toward me, but I get it. Guilty by association.
I turn and glare at Sawyer, but he’s too busy suppressing a laugh to notice.
“Pleasure meeting you,” he responds.
She meets Robert’s eyes, then walks back inside. I watch her as she leaves, expecting her to take the desire coursing through me with her, but it only grows.
“Pretty girl,” Sawyer comments, turning back to Robert as Lib leaves our sight.
“Yes, she is. We’ve been together for six months, and I still struggle to concentrate whenever she’s around.”
“Do you love her?” he asks.
Robert’s eyes widen for a moment like he’s surprised by the question, but he recovers and shrugs. “I suppose.”
That’s a yes. He just isn’t man enough to admit it. The bastard is probablysmitten.
“How much?” he asks.
Robert rears back and narrows his eyes. “What are you getting at?”
Sawyer glances at the entrance like he’s trying to eye fuck her memory. I know what he’s trying to do, and I have mixed feelings about it.
“I’d be interested in purchasing her for the island if you’d be willing to part ways. We could use someone with her spark.” He turns to me. “Hell, she was even able to holdyourattention.”
“She’s very attractive,” I agree with a nod.
Robert chuckles and rubs the back of his neck with a forced smile. “She’s not for sale.”
“Are you sure?” Sawyer asks, skepticism clear in his tone. “I’d give you a great deal.”
I watch Robert with the same skepticism Sawyer does as he thinks. One thing I’ve learned being friends with Sawyer is this: everyone has a price. Everyone. Including Lib.
A jolt of excitement shoots through me at the idea of Lib on the island, and I silently chastise myself for it. She’s too spirited to be broken, and that’s exactly what Sawyer would do if he got his hands on her. Still… It’s tempting.
Robert’s eyes flicker like he’s considering it, but he gives his head a shake to dismiss the idea. “I’m proposing to her, actually. Soon.”
“Oh.” I force a smile. “Congratulations.”
Sawyer doesn’t respond.
Robert lets out a strained laugh, and a few moments tick by while he recovers from passing up the offer. “Marriage is a foreign concept to men like you, I’m sure. Believe me, if I lived on the island, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. You’re both lucky.”