Page 24 of Caging Liberty
Desiree shrugs. “I heard she hit Julio over the head with a lamp. I don’t know for sure because Sawyer isn’t letting her stay with the rest of us, but that’s the rumor. Julio has a bandage over his ear today, though, so I think there’s some truth to it.”
You have to be fucking kidding me.
I clench my jaw and subtly shrug away from Desiree’s hands.
“Why would Sawyer ask you to check in on her?” Desiree asks, a confused crinkle between her eyes. It never occurred to me until now how annoyingly clueless she is. All smiles, all the time. Eager to please. A jealous nature I used to find attractive. And dumb. Really fucking dumb.
“I don’t know. Did he put her back in the cellar?”
“Honestly, I’m not sure she’s even here anymore… You know what I mean?”
My skin heats, and the noise in the playroom is suddenly deafening. I nod at Desiree, then lean in to speak in her ear. “I have to go. I’ll see you later.”
She grabs my arm and calls for me to wait, but I yank out of her hold and make my way toward the door. My jaw is tight as I weave around people, and when someone bumps into me, my hands ball into fists. I get the urge to swing at someone, anyone at this point, but I let it go and stomp out of the playroom.
I make a beeline for Sawyer’s office, and in the minute it takes to get there, my anger has boiled over. My hand is on the doorknob when I consider changing my destination and seeking out Julio instead, but I close my eyes, take a steadying breath, then try to twist the knob. It’s locked.
“You all right, man?”
It’s Sawyer’s voice.
I open my eyes and turn my head to my right where he stands a few feet away, scratching at his cheek.
“Where is she?” I ask, my voice harder than it should be. I need to reign it in. I know that, and yet it’s taking all I have not to punch the innocent expression off Sawyer’s face.
“Where’s who?”
He tilts his head, my question still not registering.
“Ivy. Where’s Ivy?”
Recognition flares, and he straightens. “Oh, her. She’s in one of the bedrooms. Bitch is still being a pain in the ass, but you were right, she’s getting there. I’m keeping her from the other girls so she doesn’t try to start a revolution.” He laughs. “That’s why she’s not in the playroom, if you were looking for her there. I don’t think she’s ready for it. In fact, I’d bet a thousand someone would be getting their dick bit tonight… So, you’re welcome.”
“Why didn’t you tell me any of this?”
Sawyer squints at me. “Seriously?”
“I’ve been standing around for an hour looking for her. Your strobe lights about made me have a seizure.”
He chuckles then lets his lips relax into a wicked, lopsided grin. “Jesus, dude. This woman has you on edge, and she isn’t even your problem.Relax. Go pick one of the rooms upstairs, and I’ll send one of the girls up to help you get rid of some of that frustration. It’s not happenin’ with what’s-her-face tonight.”
I pull in a deep breath and flex my fingers at my sides, letting blood flow into them. My muscles slowly loosen, and I roll my neck.
“Are you okay?”
I blink and look at Sawyer. “Yeah, sorry,” I say, finally coming to my senses. “Fucking Desiree made it sound like you’d killed Ivy or something and didn’t bother to tell me.”
“Is that the rumor?” Sawyer leans one shoulder against the wall and tucks his hands into his pockets.
“It was a guess.”
“And if it were true… Would it really matter that much to you? You don’t even know her, Angel. Why are you so hung up on this chick?”
I consider his question even though I have no intention of answering. I understand his confusion. I’ve spent a chunk of my life on this island, yet never once gotten this invested in a manor whore. I haven’t had a girlfriend since college, and honestly, the idea of being monogamous leaves me feeling suffocated. So why does this woman have such a hold on me?
It’s simple... I can’t have her.