Page 41 of Cut of the Dark Elf's Blade
“He won’t hurt me,” I say staunchly, even as I remember Luocre’s knives against my skin. “He’d never hurt me!” My voice rises, and I wonder who I am trying to convince – Rhiucra or myself.
The fact is, the thought of Luocre hurting me doesn’t fill me with fear the way Rhiucra thinks it should.
“You’re insane!” Rhiucra howls the words at me. “You’re insane for wanting to even be with him… like that! And don’t think I don’t know what you want to do with him!”
“It’s none of your business!” I shout back. “I can do what I want!”
“Don’t you get it?” There is a tinge of desperation in Rhiucra’s voice. He is still shouting. “He’s a murderer. And in the end, he’s just going to hurt you! Luocre knows how to hurt people in ways they’d never be able to imagine!”
“Well, I should be able to make the decision then, shouldn’t I?” Rhiucra turns away from me and starts walking to the front of the manor.
“Fine! Make the decision! And die! Just know, I won’t be coming to your funeral! You’re just a pathetic waste of space for wanting to be with him! He’ll turn you into nothing, he’ll stamp you out like a light, and I regret ever wasting any time on you!”
Iheard the fight.
I think everyone heard the fight.
“They weren’t exactly trying to be quiet,” I murmur to myself from where I sit in the windowsill of the manor house. “If they had been any louder, the whole of Protheka would have heard them.”
Neveah’s fight with my brother was so loud that when I was walking past the kitchens in the direction of the manor, all I heard from the kitchens was dead silence as everyone tried to listen to the details and overhear every word.
Nosy bastards,I thought to myself as I walked closer to the house.
I arrived at the manor house in time to hear most of the fight. I slipped inside and upstairs before either of them could hear or see me.
At least they’re doing exactly what I want,I think to myself with deep satisfaction.
Not only is the fight itself entertaining, but it is also a sign that Rhiucra and Neveah’s friendship has reached its end.
And that is exactly what I want. I want them to split apart so horribly that they can never find it within themselves to repair the friendship.
I want them to never speak to one another again. I want them to hate one another.
Maybe it is because my brother is an interfering cunt. Or maybe it is because I don’t want another male interested in Neveah.
The reason doesn’t matter. As long as I get my way.
“I always get my way.” I get up from the windowsill and pull out a bag filled with my knives. I need to sharpen them in time for the next job. “And it will do Rhiucra well to learn that now.”
Although only the Thirteen know why Rhiucra hasn’t learned it yet,I think to myself as I remove the heavy whetstone from my bag.
After I soak the whetstone in a basin of water for several minutes, I mop up the excess water, and then I start to drag the blade of each knife against the whetstone.
It takes me several hours to sharpen every one of my knives, but eventually, it is time for me to leave.
Sharpening my knives was a necessity, but it was also helping me to pass the time.
I pack each knife carefully back into my bag, and then I head downstairs. Rhiucra has moved back into the manor house, though I never see him. Now he is nowhere to be seen.
He is probably moping around somewhere and jerking off to images of Neveah while crying.
“Like I said. Useless cunt,” I murmur as I slip into Neveah’s room. I was waiting for this exact moment, because in about twenty minutes the day shift servants will be done for the day, and the evening shift servants will start their shift.
That means that Neveah will be back soon, and I will be here, waiting for her.