Page 22 of Cut of the Dark Elf's Blade
She eats when you tell her to. She bathes when you tell her to. She moves when you tell her to.
You know that she’ll love every minute of it.
I watch as she enters the kitchen doors and hands the basket of vegetables to a zagfer. Their hands make slight contact, and Neveah smiles at the zagfer.
My chest tightens with rage.
“No one should be touching you but me.”
Today, Neveah is scrubbing the floor of the courtyard that is just in front of the manor that I am sleeping in alone.
She is wearing one of her too-small dresses, and she has the skirt of the dress hitched up to above her knees.
The dress is soaked, but the courtyard floor is cleaner than it ever has been.
I watch her from my bedroom window on the third floor of the manor. I have a knife in my hand.
My cock hardens as I watch the shape of her ass underneath the thin fabric of the dress.
How does she get any work done in a dress like that? Do all the zagfers dress like that? Have they always dressed like that? Have I just never noticed?
The need to leave the manor and go into the courtyard, to take her right there, where everyone can see me, makes me grip the blade of the knife.
Blood wells up as I close my hand around the sharp blade of the knife. There are similar scars on both palms.
Sometimes, pain is the only way I get release.
I think years of inflicting pain on others has twisted something inside me irreparably. But I am not complaining.
I sigh with relief as blood drops onto my bare thighs.
I am sitting, naked, on the ledge of the window.
Neveah’s body stiffens then, and she stands up before she whips around to look at the manor.
I smile at her through the window, and I don’t miss the fear that crosses her face at the sight of me.
I also don’t miss the way her nipples harden and the way her hand unconsciously drifts to her midsection, as if she is reaching for her pussy.
It has been ten days since I first tasted Neveah, and the taste of her lingers. I want to taste her again and again.
I want to make her beg for my mouth on that pretty little pussy. I want her to writhe beneath my touch and my tongue, the way she did the first time.
My cock hardens even further, but today I am going to deny myself that pleasure.
Instead, I take the knife in my other hand and grip the blade. I groan with relief just as Neveah turns her back to me and starts scrubbing the floor again.
After a while, I can see that she is preparing to leave.
And I cannot let that happen.
I need her,I think to myself as I jump up and wipe the now-drying blood from my hands.
I pull on trousers and do not bother with shoes as I walk downstairs.
I follow her at a distance, and I know that she knows I am following her.