Page 8 of That One Puck
“They can and they did. Three minutes left in regulation and you pull that shit?” He shakes his head. “Automatic one game suspension. Hope you got it out of your system. You’re getting too old for this shit. I can’t keep defending you to the League if you don’t even try to hide it, Stone.”
Slouching in the chair, I wince as the trainer tightens up the stitch. “Sorry, Coach.”
“Hm. Apologize to your team.” He grunts and walks out of the room.
The room falls silent and I make no attempt at an apology. After a few moments, life picks up again. The trainer finishes and claps me on the shoulder. “You know the drill.”
I do. I’ve had enough stitches to last ten lifetimes.
I get up and go to my locker, tossing the ice into the garbage bin on the way.
“Hey, come on, let’s go grab a beer.”
“Dinner? You have to eat.”
“No.” I slam my locker shut, grab my duffel, sling it over my shoulder and turn my back on them.
“Zeke! What the fuck!” Blake yells and the locker room falls silent again.
Turning and narrowing my eyes at him, I give him the most threatening look I can. It doesn’t phase him but it should keep the rest of them at bay. I slowly raise my hand with my middle finger extended. Then turn and walk out the door.
I’m never good company and I’m definitely in no mood to sit and listen to anyone else tonight. I’ve got some big emotions running through me I’ve never felt. Over one woman.
This is why the barbed wire sits around my heart.
“Girl. What is with you lately?”
Startled by Rose’s voice, I spill my coffee all over my desk as my co-worker enters my office abruptly.
“Oh! I’m sorry! Wait, I’ll grab some napkins.” She runs into the bathroom across the hall and comes back with a bunch of paper towels. My stomach rolls at the smell of the coffee. I live for the magic bean, but the past couple of weeks I haven’t been able to stomach it. I try. Boy, do I try. And some days it sits well and other times it doesn’t. I even switched up the cafe I go to. I think I’m slowly becoming lactose intolerant, but I can’t give up the creamer in each cup.
Rose cleans up my desk, wiping down my items, and tossing the napkins in the trash. I sit in my chair, unable to help her for whatever reason. She comes around and leans against the desk right next to me.
“I’ll ask again. What is going on?”
I swallow down what little breakfast I had this morning, praying I don’t vomit all over my desk. Leaning back in my chair, I blow out a slow breath. “I don’t know. I just haven’t felt well. I’m stressed about being new to town. The anxiety keeps me from sleeping, which then makes me feel like shit.”
She studies me. “We haven’t gone out since your first weekend here. Why don’t you come out tonight with us? Let loose a bit. Maybe you just need to relax.”
I think about how relaxed I felt the night I met Eli. But I know myself and if I had stuck around, I would have either embarrassed myself or made him uncomfortable. Being in his presence was way too enjoyable.
So now I need to avoid that bar at all costs.
Who am I kidding? This is a big, freaking city. I’ll probably never see him again. However, when I left his apartment and hailed a cab back to mine, it was only a few blocks away. So, the fact that we are so close, yet I haven’t seen him since, leaves me wondering why I’m hiding.
“You’re right. I could use a night out. Just don’t leave me like you did last time.” I glower at her.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t expect my brother and his team to be there. I dated one of his teammates and it didn’t end well. My brother’s still pissed that we even hooked up, so before a fight broke out, I knew it was not the best place for me to be.”
Laughing, “Ooh sleeping with your brother’s bestie? Come on girl, they write books about that!”