Page 4 of The Witching Hour
“Well,” Drake opened the door to leave, “I’ll just have to sniff you out.”
As he closed the door, Drake heard her groan and chuckled quietly to himself. She might not be a witch, but he would have her. His wolf nature demanded he seek her out.
The wolfalwaysgot what he wanted.
* * *
It took Hazel almost two hours and four showers tofinallyget the smell out of her hair. Although she used all kinds of moisture-filled shampoos and conditioners, her hair still dried out and frizzed terribly. She looked like she’d stuck her finger in a light socket.
With a sigh, she pulled her hair back as tightly as she could and wound the thick mass into a bun that covered almost the entire back of her head. Small curls escaped, creating little springs all around her face and neck. With her too-pale skin and her jet black, wild hair, she looked exactly like what she was. A witch.
Deciding she’d never be convincing as anything else, Hazel put on the black dress she’d rented for tonight. Form-fitting from throat to mid thigh and trailing down the back, it was still short in the front. The sleeves were tight to the elbow, where they opened up and flowed loosely below her wrists. A diamond-shaped mesh opening revealed a little more cleavage than she was used to, but she thought she looked quite fetching.
She smiled. What would Drake Cole make of her now?
He was, quite possibly, the sexiest man she had ever seen. He’d filled her tiny apartment with his presence as well as his body. There was something almost menacing about him, yet she didn’t feel threatened by him. And he smelled…
He smelled, strangely enough, like vanilla. And pine.
She was drawn to him, to his presence.
To his body.
Oh. My. God!
She’d never seen a body like that before. Not on anyone real. Pictures, paintings… Michelangelo’sDavidmight have come close. Only, impossible as it sounded, Drake was sexier.
His hair was dark, streaked with various shades of gray, and fell to his shoulders in wavy strands. Hazel always itched to tangle her fingers in it to see if it was as soft as it looked. His hair-dusted arms bulged with muscles and veins. The sprinkling of hair across his naked chest wandered down his abdomen and disappeared into his unbuttoned jeans. She could only imagine what else was in those jeans.
But oh, what an imagination she had!
Blinking rapidly several times, she pulled herself out of her sexually dazed reminiscence. What was shethinking? Drake Cole had lived in her building for over a year and hadn’t said more than two words to her until today. She hadn’t said more than two words to him, either.
She tried to concentrate on setting up the items for her midnight spell, but her mind wandered, as it always did when she thought about Drake. She had admired from a distance because she had other things to think about. She was a witch. Without anyone to turn to for guidance, she was intent upon teaching herself. If she was going to do that successfully, she didn’t need the distraction of a handsome man.
The rapid knocking at her door reminded her she had somewhere else to be for a little while tonight. Hazel opened the door on the way to the sofa. Sitting, she put on her black, spike-heeled shoes with the straps that wrapped around her lower legs.
“Damn, girl! You reallyaretrying to get fucked, aren’t you?”
Irene’s laughter made Hazel fidget. “It’s the only dress the costume store had that fit my needs. Do I look too much like Elvira without tits?”
“No. But I do think you’re going to be the cause of several elderly women getting plenty of attention from their husbands tonight.”
“As long as they aren’t dirty old men grabbing my ass, I’ll be okay.” Hazel laughed.
“Oh, I’m sure there will be a few of those.” Irene smiled. “Just don’t turn anyone into a wereskunk or anything. The goat was bad enough.”
“Wereskunk.” Hazel snorted. “Do I look like Stephanie Burke? I’d never turn anyone into a wereskunk, even in fiction.”
“Let’s go. If we’re late, Mrs. Johnson won’t let us have any punch.”
Hazel wrinkled her nose. “I think I’d rather drink that concoction I made earlier. Hey! I just had a thought.”
“Oh, no. Not again. I’ve been down this road before, and it never ends well.”
“This will work. I know it will!” Hazel grabbed a bottle of flavored water from the fridge and they both headed out the door.
“Stick this in your purse, Irene. We’ll try it once we get there.”