Page 18 of The Witching Hour
“Mmhum.” She crooked her finger, beckoning him to her. When he reached out for her, she turned and presented her ass to him and looked back over her shoulder. “Doggie style.”
* * *
Drake took her up on that. He had her more ways than he thought possible. In fact, he was pretty sure they added several pages to the Kama Sutra. Though he’d become jaded over the years, he’d found a whole new enjoyment of sex with Hazel.
He’d also learned what it meant for a werewolf to have a mate. Every time he got close to orgasm, he could feel the wolf raise his head. It was as if his wolfen self had the same need to acknowledge his mate as his human self did. No wonder his brothers of the moon had such difficulty controlling the wolf when with their mates.
Once he’d pledged himself to her, there was no turning back. He was hers, whether or not she was his. At its best, their relationship would give them both great advantages -- he could draw on her power as a witch when necessary, and she would have a wolf familiar, not to mention the best sex imaginable. At its worst, he would be her slave -- at her beck and call -- and she would be free to seek her pleasures wherever she chose.
For an alpha wolf always in control of his destiny, the thought was disconcerting.
Hazel stretched beside him and he wrapped his arms more securely around her. Snuggling closer, his new mate snored softly. He wondered how she’d react when she found out.
* * *
Every muscle in her body ached deliciously. Hazel would have groaned if she hadn’t been afraid it would hurt. Still, she couldn’t keep the silly grin off her face. She’d just made love to the most stunningly sexy man she’d ever seen, and he’d not only seen to her pleasure, but he’d pushed her boundaries farther than she’d ever imagined.
Drake’s warmth seeped into her back, and she sighed. His arms flexed around her, and he mumbled, and she realized he was still asleep. Carefully, she turned over to look at him. God! He took her breath away. He was the most perfect specimen of what the male form should be that she could have ever imagined.
God help her, what was she doing here? Self confidence she had in spades, but this man could have any woman he wanted -- probablydidhave any woman he wanted. What was she doing falling in love with him? It was a surefire way to get her heart broken.
But God help her, shedidlove him. Had loved him since the first time she saw him, at Laura and Jake’s wedding. Fantasies with Drake as the star had taken over her dreams since that day, and she was helpless to resist.
The fantasies paled in comparison with the real thing, though. Within Drake’s arms, Hazel felt… protected. Complete. It was like they were two halves of the same whole. But did he feel the same way?
Her thoughts were interrupted by the buzz of the doorbell. At first Drake didn’t move, but when the unwanted guest kept up the persistent buzzing and punctuated it with several knocks and shouts, he had no choice but to wake.
“Drake Cole! I know she’s in there. Open up!”
Well, shit.
Ralph Price, sheriff of Mount Bell, had come to claim his prisoner.
* * *
I’m going to kill him. Drake couldn’t believe this was happening. That bumbling oaf Pricedaredto try and take his mate! Never mind that he had absolutely no reason under the law to do so, but the man was a damned coyote. Drakehatedcoyotes. Coyotes were werewolves who chose not to follow the code of honor they swore when they took a mate. They never mated for life. They were sneaky. And theystank. Ralph was no exception. In fact, he probably smelled worse than most. Drake considered not letting him in, but thought better of it. Like it or not, Hazel was still under arrest and he’d broken her out of jail.
“Make it quick, Ralph,” Drake growled when he opened the door.
“Where is she?” Ralph looked over Drake’s shoulder, trying to see inside the apartment.
“It doesn’t matter. She’s not leaving.”
“She’s an escapee.” Ralph’s smile was as oily as his hair. “If I say she’s leaving, she’s leaving.”
“How about I sue your ass for false arrest? Aren’t you up for re-election this year?”
Ralph flinched, but Drake knew that coyotes were nothing if not persistent. They simply backed up and came at you from a different angle.
“Go ahead. In the meantime, I’ll keep the little witch under lock and key where she belongs. You know how long it can take for the judicial system to work. It could drag on for months and with herlawyerthe one holding up the system, I doubt I’ll have to release her.”
“No judge in his right mind would remand her to custody on a charge like this.” Drake paused a second, thinking. “What the hell is she charged with, anyway?”
“Bootlegging and disturbing the peace. Not to mention she already has one escape attempt on the books. The bootlegging charge should hold her, while the attempting escape should be enough to get her bail denied.” He grinned. “Nothing you can do about it, wolf. She’s going with me. Maybe she’ll decide to live on the wild side. I need a new bitch, and I can already see her strapped down to my cross.”
Drake wanted to lunge at the scrawny sheriff and break his fool neck, but he knew that would only land him in more trouble and he had to be free to get Hazel out of trouble.
“If you so much as eventhinkabout that again, I’ll show you the meaning of the word ‘wild.’ You donotwant to push me on this, Ralph.” Drake deliberately didn’t mention that he’d taken Hazel to mate. Hazel didn’t know yet, and if she didn’t want him, he had no intention of announcing that fact to the world. It was the only prudent thing an alpha wolf could do. “You just better pray she doesn’t come into her power before I get her legally released.”