Page 14 of The Witching Hour
“What are we going to do about Ralph?”
“Sheriff Price?” Drake grinned. “I’ll get Jake to take care of him. I’m sure there’s a law against wrongful imprisonment.”
Hazel sighed as she sat down on the couch. Her eyes felt like someone had thrown sand into them.
“You’re tired.”
Drake’s observation wasn’t a question. Hazel knew there would be no lying to him on that subject. Hell, she probably looked as tired as she felt. She smiled. “Yeah. It’s been a while since I pulled an all-nighter. I guess I’ll head back to my own apartment.” Hazel stood and reached out her hand to Drake. “Thanks for coming for me.”
Drake grinned. “Thank you for coming for me. Twice.”
“I -- I -- err --” Hazel felt the flush start at her breasts and move up her face rapidly. “I didn’t mean itthatway! I mean --” She took a much needed gulp of air. “-- I mean, thanks for breaking me out of jail.”
Drake took her offered hand. Pulling her to him, Drake wrapped his other hand around her waist, holding their intimate position when Hazel would have pulled back. Her clothed body pressed against his nude one, and Hazel felt another surge of lust.
She couldn’t say anything. She couldn’t even keep her eyes on his face. The muscles of his chest beckoned her eyes and her fingers. His chest was covered lightly with black and silver hair that was soft and silky to the touch. She dragged the fingers of her free hand through the curls, fascinated that his chest could look so hard yet feel so soft. Muscles bunched beneath her touch, and she thought she heard a growl deep within him.
When she finally raised her gaze to his face, he looked as savage as any beast she’d ever seen.
“If I didn’t trust my senses enough to know you were a virgin, I’d swear you were driving me crazy on purpose.” Drake ground his cock into her belly to make his point.
“I’m sorry.” Her voice squeaked and she would have jumped away from him if he hadn’t held her tightly to him.
“Don’t be.” He grinned. This time, it was feral -- a predator on the edge of control. “Unless, of course, you still plan on returning to your apartment.”
“Well --” Hazel fidgeted. “Itwouldbe the first place Ralph would look for me. It might not be wise to place myself where he could find me easily.”
“Good choice.”
Drake scooped her up and took her to his bed. His intense gaze bore down on her. Did she really want this? Was she ready?
“If you’re going to leave, Hazel, you’d better go now.”
“No.” She had to do thissometime, and she somehow knew that Drake would be an attentive lover. He’d definitely make sure she got pleasure out of this. “I’m just nervous.”
Drake mounted the bed at her feet, kneeling astride her ankles. Running his hand up the length of her legs, he pushed her slip up her hips and hooked his fingers in the waistband of her panties. “Trust me, Hazel.”
Hazel raised her hips so he could drag the silk down her legs. She knew she should say something witty, but she was having trouble stringing two thoughts together, much less words. Deciding sometimes silence is golden, she simply closed her eyes and let nature take its course. Her body dictated her actions, not her thoughts.
Drake slid her black slip off her body easily, caressing each breast as he went. Hazel’s groan surprised her. She never expected anything to feel so good as Drake’s hands on her body.
When she was as naked as him, Hazel was prepared for anything other than what actually happened. Drake simply kissed her mouth once, rolled over to lie beside her, pulled her bare bottom against his erection and covered them both with the sheet.
For a moment, Hazel just laid there, Drake’s arms wrapped securely around her. Her body tingled where he touched her. Even so, her eyelids were heavy and her limbs sore from sitting in that stupid cell.
“Um, Drake?”
“I thought we were, err, you know.”
“We are.”
She turned her head to look at him over her shoulder. “I may be a virgin, but I know what having sex is and we arenothaving sex.”
He grinned. “Well, not right at this moment, but we will.”
“I don’t understand.” No man she knew in this same situation would do what he was doing.