Page 82 of Nigel

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Page 82 of Nigel

"Naked in bed?"he asked her teasingly. He never thought his love for her could getany stronger, but he was wrong about that. She filled him up so muchthat he did not have space for anyone else.

"I am serious,darling."

It thrilled him thatthe endearment came so easily to her now.

"I believe thatwith time, it will be tempered somewhat and I will not have theinsane and urgent need to jump you every second of the day."

She grinned at him."You said jump."

"My wife isrubbing off on me." He trailed his fingers over her stomachwhere even now his seed was being knotted into a human being. She wascarrying his baby, this wonderful woman who had transformed his lifewas giving him a family and it overwhelmed him, making him foolish.

"You bought metons of clothing, even though I told you not to."

"I cannot helpmyself," he told her with a smile.



"And you shoppedfor me everywhere we landed. It has to stop."




she sighed and gaveup. "It's your money."

"It's our money.And you are not going to argue about the joint bank account."

"I signed aprenup."

"It's standard.And I wanted to say to hell with it."

"It's fine."

"You are notgoing to divorce me. That much I am sure of. If you ever decide thatyou want out, I will chain you to my side."

"The same goesfor you mister." She touched his face. "I hate those womenlooking at you."

"What women?"

She laughed. "Goodanswer. You are mine."

"Gladly. I ampossessive. I am jealous of your damn brothers. I don't like othermen touching you."

"We arehopeless."

"Not at all."He touched his mouth to hers. "We have been given hope and a newlease on life. At my age, I have found love, not just love, butsomething that has consumed me. It is a blessing indeed."

"And we createda miracle." She pressed her hand against the one he had on herstomach. "A baby."

"Indeed."He kissed her, his tongue darting into her mouth. He had made love toher on the plane on their way to their honeymoon destination. He hadlavished her with gifts, because he could not help himself.

She did not expecthim to, and that was what made it so pleasurable. The other women hehad been with, had expected gifts, expensive trinkets and that hadmade him cynical.

His darling wifeexpected nothing. She was completely unaffected by his wealth andloved him for himself. His aunt had said the same thing. "She isa treasure and she loves you, not for your money. I have seen the wayshe looks at you and I could not be any more pleased and delightedthat you have chosen her."

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