Page 79 of Nigel
Her fingers dug intohis hair, her body squirming.
“Nigel. OhNigel.” She shifted restlessly beneath him and felt the ball offire curling at the base of her stomach.
He was true to hisword. He took his time, transferring to the other nipple and sendingthe fire spreading everywhere. She was burning up, trembling withintense need.
His mouth drifted down her quivering stomach and bythe time he reached the patch of hairs covering her sex, she wasdelirious.
The minute his tonguedarted into her, she erupted. She screamed loud and long, her bodyheaving as he tongued her. He had to hold her hips to anchor her. Shewas destroyed, her body shaking from the ferocious climax.
When he climbed ontop of her, she could just cling to him and bury her face in hisneck.
“Hush baby.” With trembling fingers, he guidedhimself in, gritting his teeth as she gloved him.
“My sweet, mylife. The heart of me.” He was afraid to move, knowing that assoon as he did, it would all be over.
But then she liftedher face and the love swum out of her chocolate brown eyes, floodinghim, enveloping him until he could scarcely breathe. He startedslowly at first, his eyes holding hers, her hand reached for his,their fingers linking and folding, binding them together.
He increased thepace, his breathing raspy. He went in deeper still until he couldtouch her soul. He drove into her, his body sliding in and takingthem- spinning them until the control broke. He called out her name,his body bowed, his skin hot. She came again. Fingers digging intohis skin as the climax ripped through her.
He followed her,going under until he feared he would not come back up again. His lipsmet hers as he called out her name in broken syllables.
“A-va-“He ended the kiss, touching his lips to her forehead, the tip of hernose. “Ava. Ava. Ava. Love me darling. Love me the way I loveyou. Just-“ He took her lips again as the life of him spilledinto her and overflowed.
He had to wait a fewminutes for the trembling to stop before he climbed off her, shiftingso that he could hold her against him. They did not say anything forseveral minutes, words would not have sufficed.
“Go to sleep,”he whispered.
“I don’tfeel like it.”
“You should betired.”
“You too.”She smiled against his throat. “You were the one traveling.”
“And you arethe one carrying our baby.” His hand drifted to her stomach.“Can it really be true?”
“It willcertainly become a reality when I am puking my guts out and cussingyou out because of hormones.”
“I have afeeling you are going to be one of those pregnant women with lots ofpatience and a genteel personality.”
He grinned when shelifted her head to stare at him.
“Dream onmister.”
“One can buthope.” He kissed her again, simply unable to stop himself. “Ialso have a friend who is a doctor.”
“No. But he hasthis posh clinic with lots of doctors.”
“I prefer to goto Kyle’s.”
“I want what’sbest for you and our baby.”
“So do I.”She brushed back a lock of his hair. “This is reallyhappening.”
“It is.”He gathered her closer to him. “You have made me the happiestman in the world.”