Page 7 of Nigel
“I had to havea voice,” she muttered. “In a household filled withtestosterone, I would have been drowned out in a minute. I had tostand up for myself.”
“You sure did.”Jeffry squeezed her hand.
“I amstarving,” Chloe called out plaintively.
“Okay pumpkin,let’s dig into this feast,” Her uncle Lionel said with asmile.
“I don’tget to see you enough.” Eloise Hawthorne complained as soon asshe dismissed the maid and started to pour the tea. It was atradition with her, a habit borne from her time spent in the UK.
Nigel did not muchlike the flowery stuff she had her herbalist concoct, but she was hisonly living relative and he had a certain fondness for her..
“Thank you.”Balancing the delicate tiny cup and saucer in his hands, he stretchedhis legs out to get rid of the kinks.
He had left the clubwhere he had played a rather energetic round of basketball withGerald. He had showered and changed and come straight to her elegantand comfortable house tucked in the middle of a stunning display ofgreen lawns and lush vegetation.
Eloise Hawthorne wasa natural when it came to anything to do with nature and was alwayspottering around in her greenhouse. She was almost eighty years oldbut looked ten years younger. Her skin was rosy from the sun and facepleasantly creased. She was older than his dad and was still grievingfor him even now.
“Therefurbishing and revamping of the old Terrace Hotel are taking moretime than I anticipated.” He selected a thin cucumber sandwichafter taking a sip of the tea. “You look well.”
“Flattery willget you back into my good books.” She smiled at him, noticingthe strong resemblance to her brother. Nigel had inherited hisfather’s thick sable brown hair and lofty height.
The long lean lengthand the indentation in his strong chin and the laughter lines aroundthe eyes. It was bittersweet talking to him, seeing him and realizingthat her beloved brother was never coming back. She had nevermarried- too busy with her own projects and flying all over theglobe.
She had her regretsbut looking at the impressive and powerful young man her brother hadproduced made up for the lack of a husband and offspring. “Howare you? I am still holding onto hope of you finding a nice youngwoman and settling down.”
He grimaced andreached for another sandwich. They were very good, sort of melt inyour mouth deal.
“So am I. Andas soon as I find the one, I will let you know.”
“I didn’tlike the woman you were with at that function a few weeks ago. Shewas too eager to please.”
“We are nolonger together.”
“Wonderful. Shewas not good enough for you.”
He smiled at that. “Ihave the distinct feeling that no one would ever come up toscratch.”“I don’t know darling. Bring one home whois not looking at your bank balance and I will let you know.”
His laughter rumbledout and he felt himself relaxing against the padded cushions,stretching his long legs out. He was happy he had decided to swingby. His days were hectic and his evenings had grown long and lonely.
He traveled a lot andweighed in on the decisions when it came to the buildings thatinterested him. But for the past month or two, he had thoughts offinding someone to settle down with. He was restless and the work wasno longer holding his attention.
His bed was too bigand empty and he needed someone in it, but now just to take up spaceand not just for sex either. He was tired of meaninglessrelationships. He had never been in love- not in the real sense ofthe word and wanted to know what it felt like.
Mentally shaking hishead, he stared out at the stunning scenery from the wide-open spaceof the lovely terrace. The breeze was cool, shimmering through thetrees and along his skin. “It’s so peaceful here,”he murmured.
“I come outhere in the long summer evenings just to read a book and catch thescent of the flowers blooming.” She took a deep breath. “It’stherapeutic.” Putting away the cup, she turned to him with abright smile. “Now tell me about your progress.”
“You did nothave to stay back.” Ava handed her brother a can of beer andwent over to curl up on the comfortable chaise lounge, throwing theblanket over her feet. “I am sure Dahlia would have wanted youto go on home.”
“The girls aregoing shopping and you know how I hate wandering the mall.” Hegrimaced as he stretched his legs out.
“And nopatients to see?”
“I took theentire day off to spend with my family.” His thick eyebrowsarched at her.