Page 64 of Nigel
She had the door openand was waiting when he exited the vehicle. She watched as the driverjumped out to retrieve his case. Her anxiety was at an all time highby the time he took the case and made his way up the cobbled drive.
“Hi.” Shewas suddenly feeling very shy and nervous. He had on a cranberry redsweater that looked great against his skin and his sable brown hairwas tousled.
“Are you goingto let me in?” There was a hint of amusement in his deep voice.
“Oh. Yes, ofcourse.” Stepping back, she let him pass her. “I supposeyou are tired.” That was as far as she got with theconversation when he pushed her back against the door and fastenedhis lips on hers.
Oh God! The thoughtzipped into her head as she surrendered completely. He dragged at therobe and pushed it off her shoulders, letting it pool to the floor.She was completely naked and his hands were everywhere at the sametime.
On her shoulders, herneck and then her breasts and along her hips where he pulled herflush against him. She could feel him, the heaviness of his arousaland almost went mad.
Dragging her lipsfrom his, she pushed him from her so that she could take off hissweater.
“Now. Now.”She was panting, her skin hot and her heart thumping inside herchest.
“Not here,”he said thickly, hazel eyes darkened. “Upstairs.”
“The livingroom.” Ignoring the robe, she took his hand and pulled himalong with her.
“Take it off.”She pulled the white tees over his head, while he dealt with hisdress pants and toed off his boots.
“Now Nigel.”She came into his arms and he feasted on her lips. Pressing her back,she sank down onto the sofa and dragged him with her without thembreaking the kiss.
When he reachedbetween them to enter her, the cries escaped her, only to beswallowed by him. His body convulsed and he could feel the heatthrumming through him. His blood was boiling and for a minute, hecould not move.
But she took thedecision away from him by lifting her legs and bending them at theknees. He drove into her, shoving her up against the cushions.Fisting a hand in the loose curls, he increased the pace, the thrustsbecoming even more frenzied and feverish.
She came violentlyand had to drag her mouth from his as she screamed out his name incomplete surrender.
He followed behind,flooding her with his seed, his long, lean body shuddering.
Chapter 13
"I should getoff you."
"No." Herarms tightened around his neck.
"Baby, I amcrushing you and the sofa is not exactly made for my height."
"I don't want tomove."
"I think I mighthave pulled some veins in my cock."
She burst outlaughing and buried her face into his chest. Shifting, he managed toslide into the corner so that he was not sprawled on top of her."That was some greeting." He gathered her into his arms tosnuggle and tried to get his heart rate to some sort of normalcy."You read my mind."
"You thoughtabout jumping me?"
"Hmm." Henuzzled her neck and inhaled her scent. He had things hanging butthey could be resolved over a conference call and even if theycouldn't he did not give a damn. She called and needed him and he hadcome running.
"What did I messup when I called?"
"Nothing much."
"Hmm?" Hewas still taking little bites out of her moist skin and loving thetaste of the saltiness mixed in with the scent of her body wash.