Page 62 of Nigel
“Like you said,it’s pure bull, but his pricey lawyers managed to dig up aminor infraction in her past.’
“We dointensive background checks.”
“This happenedwhen she was a teen. Sixteen, assault and battery, a guy who wastrying to force himself on her. The asshole lawyers are trying todevelop a pattern and that record was sealed.”
“Yet theymanaged to unseal it,” Lionel said grimly.
“How is she?”
“Pretty shakenup.”
“Where is thatpiece of garbage?”
Lionel laid arestraining hand on her arm. “You are not going to have anycontact with him, is that clear?”
She nodded. “Iknow the drill. God, this is so messed up.”
“Let’s goaround the back. I will see what is happening.” Jeffry led themthrough the rows of desks with detectives either seated or standingaround. She and Lionel were familiar with the men who worked in theprecinct and were waved at or called to as they made their way to theroom.
“Want acoffee?”
“No thanks.”Ava took a chair by the window and sank down.
“No.”Lionel sat next to her, placing a reassuring hand on hers. “Justlet us know what is going on and where we go from here.”
“Will be rightback.”
Lionel eyed her for amoment, before putting his briefcase on the battered desk.
“If I havenever told you and Jeff, how much I appreciate having you forbrothers, I am doing so now.” She let out a weary sigh.“Richard Thomas is pretty rich.”
“And if he isguilty, he will get what’s coming to him.”
“What do youmean if?” She rounded on him, eyes flashing. “He is damnwell guilty and we know it.”
“I have to lookat the facts.“
“Oh damn you tohell.“ She reached for her vibrating phone from her pocketbook.“It’s Nigel,” she muttered. “I cannot talk tohim-“ Jabbing at the button, she answered. “Hi.”
“Hey. What’swrong?”
Blowing out a breath,she rose and went to the window to stare out at the dreary scenery.Someone had tried to plant a patch of roses which were shriveling upin the intense summer heat. “I don’t want to troubleyou.”
“What is it?”
“One of myladies is in trouble.” She briefly gave him the details. “Idon’t know anything else. I am at the precinct with Lionel andJeffry. He is mouthing off about suing the agency. I want to slam myfist in his face.”
“I am comingback.”
“Nigel, no.”
“It will takeme perhaps five hours or less. But I am on my way.”
“You don’thave to-“ she began, but was talking to the dial tone. “Idid not want him to cut his damn trip short.” Turning away fromthe window, she rubbed her forehead wearily.